The Colby College Student Handbook (Handbook) frames our community values and expectations and provides a resource for creating an informed community accountable to ourselves and to one another. The Handbook includes information regarding resources and support services; policies and procedures that establish a healthy, supportive College community; and serves as a companion piece to the Colby College Catalogue.
While the Student Handbook covers academic, administrative, health, and social resources and guidelines, the College Catalogue includes detailed information about academic programs, academic requirements and policies, course descriptions, off-campus study, and January Programs. Students should be familiar with Colby’s Mission and Educational Precepts, located in the catalogue.
All students are expected to read, know and comply with the provisions in the Handbook and the Colby College Catalogue as you have a responsibility to the greater College community. The policies apply during your time at Colby College, whether on or off campus.
Handbook Distribution and Alternative Format: Students can locate the Handbook at The online version includes links to important documents referenced in the Handbook. The online version is the official and most up-to-date version of the Handbook. Students who need an alternative format can contact the Dean of Students Office at 207-859-4250 or [email protected].
Reader Notice: This Handbook is not a contract between the student and the College. The College provides the information in the Handbook solely for the convenience of the reader and reserves the right to make changes to the Handbook, or to any policy or regulation, at any time without prior notice in accordance with established procedures and/or as required by state or federal laws.
Nondiscrimination Policy: Colby is a private, coeducational liberal arts college that does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national or ethnic origin, religion, caste, disability, parental or marital status, genetic information, political beliefs, veteran or military status, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, or any characteristic protected by law in its educational programs and activities, admissions, or employment, consistent with the mission of a liberal arts college and applicable laws and College policies.
Colby prohibits retaliation against anyone who makes a good faith report of conduct in violation of Colby’s discrimination or harassment policies, or against anyone who makes a good faith effort to disclose perceived wrongdoing. Further, Colby will not tolerate retaliation against any student who, in good faith, cooperates in the investigation of such conduct.
The Colby Affirmation is the source of the vision shared by the community. The Affirmation was developed by a task force of students, faculty, staff and members of the Board of Trustees. By living this way, we prioritize the intellectual, physical, social, emotional and spiritual well-being of all our community members.
The Colby Affirmation
Colby College is a community dedicated to learning and committed to the growth and well-being of all its members.
As a community devoted to intellectual growth, we value academic integrity. We agree to take ownership of our academic work, to submit only work that is our own, to fully acknowledge the research and ideas of others in our work, and to abide by the instructions and regulations governing academic work established by the faculty.
As a community built on respect for ourselves, each other, and our physical environment, we recognize the diversity of people who have gathered here and that genuine inclusivity requires active, honest, and compassionate engagement with one another. We agree to respect each other, to honor community expectations, and to comply with College policies.
As a member of this community, I pledge to hold myself and others accountable to these values.
Our Community Values
We believe the following 13 statements express what is desired by the Colby Community:
What is Community?
While a community includes members, it also includes a set of
Members’ actions are predominantly based on values, beliefs, meanings, and expectations that are common to the members.
Communities are not always harmonious, despite members having fundamental commonalities. Internal differences that can cause conflict and division always exist. Individuals also belong to multiple communities that may have different, even competing values. However, communities built on belonging, trust, and shared responsibility are able to navigate and resolve conflicts.
“The Colby Community” is both the real, dynamic and imperfect social structures, interactions and relationships we all experience daily, and something aspirational – the community that arises when we live the Community Values.
What are Values?
A value is a concept of what is desirable. It influences why we act, and how we act.
What are Community Values?
Community Values has two separate but interwoven meanings:
The degree to which each of us accepts the group values as our own depends largely on three things:
So, when we are connected to the community by Belonging, Trust, and Responsibility, we more readily do things “the way they are done here”.
The Colby Community exists when we live our values, as this encourages others to commit to our values, which in turn strengthens all of our resolve to live our values!
The Colby Experience: College is a time of great personal growth and development, and it can also be a time when students face challenges and uncertainty. The DOC staff provides support and guidance to students and assists students with any problems that may arise during the college years. Life at Colby is centered on the notion that learning extends beyond the classroom into all aspects of the college experience. As shaped by the College’s mission and precepts, a Colby education is characterized by academic rigor, a strong community, a friendly campus atmosphere, global reach, and active engagement with a diversity of thought and human experiences.
Dean of the College Mission Statement: The Dean of the College division creates transformative and integrative learning that develops purposeful, compassionate, and global citizens. We support a holistic and reflective community that acts with integrity and courage to promote justice and equality at Colby and in the world.
Dean of the College Division and Staff: The Dean of the College Division oversees student life and learning outside of the classroom, and it comprises the Office of the Dean of Students, the Office of the Dean of Studies, the Office of Campus Life, Counseling Services, DavisConnects, the Multicultural Programs team, the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life, the Office of Community Values, Conflict Resolution, and Restorative Practice, and support for accommodations and learning differences. Experienced staff members advise and support students’ experiences related to their academic, social, cultural, and personal life at the College. Staff members help students to shape and maintain positive living and learning communities, opportunities for civic engagement and leadership development, and a rich array of co-curricular experiences.
CARE and BIT Teams
Colby has a Concern, Assessment, Response, Evaluation (CARE) and a Behavior Intervention (BIT) team to assist in addressing situations in which students are displaying behaviors that are concerning, disruptive, or threatening in nature and that potentially impede their own or others’ ability to function successfully or safely. Each team meets regularly to collect and review concerning information about at-risk community members and develop intervention plans to assist them. The BIT team is tasked with intake of referrals from the community, reviewing them to determine the level of risk or concern, and then developing action plans to address the risk. It is the responsibility of faculty, staff, and students to immediately refer to the teams any situation that could possibly result in harm to anyone at the College.
The BIT may mandate a Psychological Evaluation, performed by a member of Counseling Services, and/or a Threat or Violence assessment, performed by a contracted forensic examiner.
Students may request to review their CARE or BIT records and may request via their Class Dean that these records are expunged when they withdraw or graduate from the College. Such requests are reviewed by the BIT and determinations are subject to relevant laws.
Student Grievances: If a student has a grievance with a member of faculty or staff, for which there is no obvious governing policy, such as Title IX, they may report the matter to their Class Dean. The Class Dean will either direct the matter directly to the relevant official, or assist the student to do so.
Colby has a number of programs designed to help students maximize their academic success. Each student has a faculty advisor and a Class Dean to consult about issues that arise. Usually the first person to consult when a student has academic concerns is the professor for the course or the student’s academic advisor. If a student is uncertain of expectations or is having difficulties in a particular course, it is a good idea to communicate with the professor as soon as possible.
Academic Advisors: All incoming students are assigned a first year Academic Advisor who helps students navigate their first year academic experience. Incoming first year students are assigned to faculty advisors through the Office of the Dean of Studies. Advisors and advisees establish contact with one another in early summer to help guide course selection for the fall. Advisors meet with students during the orientation period and assist students during the period when courses may be added or dropped from the students’ schedules. Academic Advisors provide guidance to students during course selection for JanPlan and spring and help students as they navigate their first year academic experience. During the second, third, or fourth semester, when students may elect a major, they will move under direct advisorship of a major department or program.
Class Deans: The Dean of Studies Office supports and enhances Colby’s commitment to first-rate, individual advising of students. In addition to having an academic advisor from the teaching faculty, every Colby student is assigned a Class Dean to provide advice and support during their time at the College. The Class Deans are knowledgeable about issues and problems that arise for students and are a good source of information about College resources and policies. They offer general advising as well as referrals to other campus offices. The Class Deans help students and parents/guardians manage academic and non-academic situations as they arise, consulting extensively with faculty and staff across the College. Students may contact their Class Dean or the Dean of Studies Office at 207-859-4560 or [email protected].
Faculty Office Hours: All faculty on campus hold one-on-one and/or group office hours. Office hours are an excellent resource for students who are struggling in a class or looking to master advanced material beyond what is required for lectures. Professors often use office hours to help students prepare for exams or review difficult material that appear on problem sets. Students are encouraged to attend office hours regularly throughout the semester and should consider office hours the first step in pursuing academic support.
Learning Consultants: Colby offers learning consultants who can assist students with study habits and other targeted strategies. These expert coaches are available to any Colby student seeking additional academic support, coaching, or skills building. Contact the Dean of Studies Office at 207-859-4560 to request a meeting with a learning consultant.
Student Success Fund: Colby is committed to providing educational access and opportunity regardless of a student’s financial background. The Dean of Studies office will work with students on a case-by-case basis to identify and connect them with available financial resources to help alleviate distressing situations that can interfere with academic success. Students are encouraged to contact the office to discuss their concerns and explore options: (207) 859-4560 or room 107, Eustis Hall. Student Success Funds funds are specific to basic academic and emergency needs; students who are seeking funding for education enrichment opportunities (e.g. housing or travel costs related to internships) should contact DavisConnects at 207-859-4140 or [email protected] or Student Financial Services at 800-723-4033 or [email protected].
Tutoring: Colby provides academic support services that supplement the support provided by course instructors. Advanced students are hired as teaching assistants, tutors, or writing fellows. Consult the professor of the course or your Class Dean to review the challenges you are experiencing and to request assistance from a tutor.
The Farnham Writers’ Center: Located in Miller Library, the Farnham Writers’ Center works with students on all aspects of writing. They seek to further a culture of writing at Colby and in the community through peer tutoring and special writing events. As a writing resource for our students, including multilingual writers, they provide information on good writing practices and guidance on grammar and documentation. Even students who have always been strong writers can find themselves feeling less confident when learning how to write in a new academic setting. The Writers’ Center is a warm and friendly space where students can seek advice on every step of the writing process.
Access and Disability Services: Colby offers programs and resources that support a range of learning differences—to make sure every student can maximize their academic potential. As part of the ADA accommodations process, Colby provides a range of support for students with learning differences, including but not limited to additional time on exams, note taking support, and other adjustments in academic procedures, in accordance with recommendations of qualified diagnosticians. Students also work with Access and Disability Services to request accommodations related to housing, parking, and dining.
Typically, all students are expected to attempt to complete the foreign language requirement. However, students who experience inordinate difficulty in completing this requirement and who have documentation of a language-based learning difference or other relevant diagnosis that meets Colby guidelines may petition to modify the foreign language requirement with an approved program of alternative study, which will typically include three courses exploring aspects of a single linguistic or cultural group. Students with questions in this area can contact the Director of Student Access and Disability Services at 207-859-5166 or at [email protected] or by visiting room 103B, Eustis Hall.
There are many places students can turn to on campus for advice and support when they are encountering difficulties, whether involving interpersonal relationships, fitting in socially, or worrying about the direction life is taking. The nearest resource is often the residence hall staff. These trained student staff members – the Community Advisors – can provide information about professional support resources. When students are facing more serious issues, it may be appropriate to seek out more specialized resources. These resources include deans, Counseling and Health Center staff, and Religious and Spiritual Life staff. When problems arise outside of business hours and on weekends, students can access emergency and support resources through our on-call systems. To access the professional on-call or Colby Emergency Response, call Security at 207-859-5911. To access after-hours Counseling Services, please call 207-859-4490 ext 0.
Leaves of Absence/Withdrawal from the College: For the full policy on leaves and withdrawals please refer to the Dean of Studies website or contact [email protected].
Medical Leaves: For the full policy on Medical Leave please refer to the Dean of Studies website or contact [email protected].
Colby Wellness & Health Services: Student wellness is foundational to full engagement in the Colby experience. Colby offers wellness support on campus for all students, as well as comprehensive health services through MaineGeneral’s nearby medical center. In the college’s Garrison-Foster Building, free wellness supplies are available to all students 24/7, and student prescriptions can be delivered to campus for free on weekdays. The office of Student Wellness in Garrison-Foster supports students with access to wellness resources, navigation of the medical system, and education for health & financial literacy. MaineGeneral College Health is the dedicated medical clinic for Colby students at the Thayer Center for Health, located less than one mile from campus and accessible via Colby’s free transportation system. Through MaineGeneral College Health, students can utilize a broad network of physicians and specialists offering comprehensive health services and integrated care. The medical professionals at the College Health clinic provide the full range of primary care services, including physical exams, gynecological services, contraception, travel health consultations, appointments for injuries & illnesses, referrals to specialists, ongoing care, as well as behavioral health evaluations and medication management. Contact MaineGeneral College Health at (207) 861-6860 for medical guidance over the phone or to make an appointment. Contact the Director of Student Wellness at [email protected] for support with health resources, access, and navigation.
Colby Emergency Response (CER): CER is a highly trained team of Colby students who are certified and licensed as emergency medical technicians (EMTs) to respond to health emergencies on campus. CER works closely with MaineGeneral medical providers and Delta Ambulance services to ensure that students receive prompt and skilled healthcare in the event of emergencies. All services provided by the CER team are confidential and free of charge. To reach CER in an emergency, dial Colby Security’s emergency number: (207) 859-5911.
Colby Counseling Services: The mission of Colby Counseling Services is to foster the wellbeing of all students within a respectful and confidential environment through providing a range of psychological counseling, consultation and outreach services. Our diverse team of psychologists, professional counselors and social workers collectively have over 40 years of experience working collaboratively with college students. We offer individual counseling, a wide variety of group counseling options, crisis intervention, consultation, and educational programs and trainings.
The Counseling Services office is located in a comfortable and private setting on the second floor of Garrison-Foster and all of our services are free. We also want students to know that we take confidentiality very seriously and student privacy is protected in the same manner it would be if they were visiting a counselor as an adult in their home community. Appointments can be made by calling 207-859-4490, or by stopping by the 2nd floor of Garrison-Foster during regular business hours. More information can be found at Counseling Services – Life at Colby.
In urgent mental health situations, students can reach our counselor-on-call 24/7 by calling Counseling Services main number at 207-859-4490 and pressing “0”. For off-campus help, students can reach out to the Maine Crisis Line at 1-888-568-1112, or dial 988 for the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. For suicide prevention details, please visit our website at Suicide Prevention – Life at Colby.
Off-campus mental health referrals:
Talkspace (Free to Colby students):
Health Psych Maine: 207-872-5800
Psychology Specialists of Maine: 207-607-4022
Rebecca Lovitz, LCSW: 207-228-2741
Greg Bazakas, LCSW: 207-314-9868
MaineGeneral Mental Health and Substance Abuse (incl. meds): 877-777-9393
Finally, no matter how well you attend to your mental health, everybody experiences some level of emotional challenge in college…it’s totally normal! So, if you notice that those challenges are interfering in the classroom, in relationships or in other areas of your life, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Colby Department of Security (207) 859-5530 – Non-Emergency
Emergency Number (207) 859-5911
Title IX Coordinator (207) 859-4266
Confidential Resource Advisors (207) 509-9122
Colby Health Services (207) 861-6860
Colby Counseling Services (207) 859-4490 ext 0 or after hours 1-888-568-1112
Talkspace (free to Colby students):
Suicide and Crisis Life Line 988 (CALL or TEXT) //
Maine Sexual Assault Hotline 1-800-871-7741 (Voice) or 711 (Maine Relay)
Maine Domestic Violence Helpline 1-866-837-HELP (4357)
Dating Abuse Hotline 1-800-799-7233
Maine Crisis Line 1-888-568-1112
Health Psych Maine (207) 872-5800
Psychology Specialist of Maine (207) 607-4022
Maine General Mental Health & Substance Abuse (incl. meds): 1-877-777-9393
Waterville Police Non-Emergency (207) 680-4700
MaineGeneral Thayer Emergency (207) 872-1300
Maine General Express Care (207) 877-3450
Northern Light Walk-In Care (207) 861-6140
Elmwood Primary Care (207) 877-3400
Inland Hospital: Emergency Room (207) 861-3000
Northern Light emergency Care (207) 861-3200
The Residential Experience: As a residential campus, Colby College’s residence halls are where students call home while achieving their academic pursuits. The residential setting is an integral part of the college experience, and therefore, all students are expected to live in the College’s residence halls. Residence halls across campus vary in size and can accommodate between 6 to 200 students. All first year students reside in a designated cluster of residence halls. Returning students are housed in all other residence halls with the exception of the Harold and Bibby Alfond Residence Complex (which houses only seniors), and the Bill and Joan Alfond Main St. Commons (which houses only juniors and seniors). In all residence halls, students can expect a safe, inclusive, and supportive living environment that integrates the academic, creative, and cultural dimensions of college life. Residence hall communities are led by student leaders specifically hired and trained to promote an engaging residential community that fosters connections, personal growth, civility, and student success.
Students have access to a variety of specialized housing options including but not limited to substance-free, healthy living options, and thematic learning communities. New and incoming students will be assigned to residences by the Office of Residential Experience. Returning residents select their rooms during a lottery process outlined by the Office of Residential Experience. More detailed information about residential living at Colby can be found on the Life at Colby website.
Orientation: Special attention is given to the task of welcoming and orienting new students into the Colby community. From the time of admission until they arrive on campus, new students are invited to make use of the admitted students’ website to get answers to questions they may have. First-year students complete an informative Online Orientation prior to arriving to campus a week prior to the start of fall classes and then participate in a comprehensive orientation program designed to introduce them to the academic program as well as all aspects of residential, co-curricular, and social life at Colby.
As part of orientation, first-year students are required to participate in COOT (Colby Outdoor Orientation Trips). First Year Experience Leaders, upper class COOT leaders and residential Community Advisors (CAs) serve as peer mentors for new students during orientation and throughout the year.
Dining Services: The College offers a board plan of 21 meals per week for all resident students. Meals are served in three separate on-campus dining halls—in Foss Hall, Dana Hall, and Roberts Hall, each with a different menu. Students living in the Alfond Residence Complex, the Bill & Joan Alfond Main Street Commons, and the Mary Low Co-op, or students living off campus who do not subscribe to the full meal plan, are entitled to an adjustment of the comprehensive fee (see Fees and Charges section of the catalogue).
Cotter Union/Pulver Pavilion: Cotter Union is located near the center of the campus and serves as the student center and a venue for more formal gatherings including lectures and performances. The Office of Campus Life, the Colby Bookstore, the student mailroom and Post Office, the Blue Light Pub, Lunder Game Room, offices of the Student Government Association, the Pugh Center, and the Page Commons Room are in Cotter Union. Pulver Pavilion features a variety of informal spaces and a snack bar and grill called the Spa.
Student Organizations and Leadership Development: The Office of Student Engagement & Leadership Development is committed to creating opportunities for students to explore, practice, and develop their leadership capabilities. Leadership development occurs through experiences with student organizations and clubs as well as through retreats, training, and workshops. Colby has approximately 130 student-led clubs and organizations focused on culture, athletics, music, politics, publication, religion, service, or other themes. By-in-large, clubs and organizations are open to all students.
The Pugh Center: The Pugh Center for Student Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, located within Cotter Union, welcomes all students interested in and devoted to engaging with experiences related to access, belonging, equity, and advocacy. It is a space where uniqueness, authenticity, and diversity are valued and celebrated.
The Pugh Center houses the First-Generation/ Limited Income (FLI) Program and the International Students and Scholars Office. Our team supports students through the development of co-curricular initiatives, opportunities to apply theoretical frameworks explored in the classroom, and intellectual engagement with critical conversations across campus constituencies. We work to design and implement programs and educational opportunities dedicated to developing skills and creating a sense of community among Pugh students. The Pugh Center also collaborates with campus partners to advance intercultural understanding and social change through programming that engages the entire Colby community.
Additionally, the Pugh Center offers specialized leadership development and resources for approximately 15 Pugh affiliated student clubs. While the Pugh Center houses multicultural student clubs and is dedicated to students who identify with groups that have been traditionally underrepresented within the Colby community, programming and social events are open for all students to enjoy. We welcome students interested in engaging in concepts and conversations surrounding race, ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic and first-generation status, ability, religion, and spirituality.
Student Governance: Students play significant roles in shaping student life through the Student Government Association (SGA) and the Student Programming Board (SPB). The president and vice president of the SGA serve as student representatives to the Board of Trustees, and students serve on College committees including Academic Affairs, Administrative, Admissions and Financial Aid, Athletic Advisory, College Affairs, Cultural Events, Financial Priorities, Healthcare Advisory, Independent Study, Information Technology, Library, Multicultural Affairs, Security, Race and Racism, and the Environmental Advisory Group.
Colby’s Religious Holidays Policy: Colby College is supportive of the religious practices of its students, faculty, and staff. The College is committed to ensuring that all students are able to observe their religious beliefs without academic penalty.
The College will enable any student to make up any course requirements scheduled during a religious holiday that is observed by that student. Students are expected to inform course instructors within two weeks of the beginning of the term of any religious observance that will conflict with coursework. The faculty member will then work with the student to find a reasonable accommodation that will allow the student to complete the academic work. In addition, no student will be required to participate in College events such as athletic commitments, lectures, or concerts on these holidays.
Students who have questions or concerns about requesting accommodations for their religious holidays should reach out to the Dean of Religious and Spiritual Life.
ColbyNow: ColbyNow provides a quick and easy way to keep up on College news and conversation. Students can sign-up through
Security and Transport
Security: The Security Department works to provide a safe and secure environment for the Colby community. The department, located in the Roberts Building, is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Trained, professional officers patrol campus on foot and in vehicles. Students can seek assistance from Security by visiting the Roberts Building; using one of the Blue emergency phones that are located throughout campus or call by dialing extension 5911 from any campus phone or 207-859-5911 from an off-campus or non-campus phone. The blue emergency phones and the emergency number are restricted to calls of a true emergency nature, such as fire, medical emergency, or suspicious or criminal activity. An officer will be dispatched to the scene to evaluate the situation and take appropriate action.
The College strongly encourages any individual who observes or who is the victim of any crime or conduct violation to report the matter immediately to Security. The College’s crime statistics are available on the Security Department website.
Emergency phone number on campus 5911
Emergency phone number off campus 207-859-5911
Non-Emergency phone number 207-859-5530
Emergency phone number when not on Colby property 911
For non-emergency or routine business, such as vehicle registration information, lock outs and lost items, call Extension 5530 from any campus phone or 207-859-5530, if calling from an off-campus or non-campus phone.
Colby Safe is the official safety app of Colby College. It is the only app that integrates with Colby College’s safety and security systems. The Department of Security has worked to develop a unique app that provides students, faculty and staff with added safety on the Colby College campus. The app will send you important safety alerts and provide instant access to campus safety resources.
App features include: Emergency Contacts, Mobile Bluelight, Walk a Friend, Safety Toolbox, Notification History, Share Map with your Location, I’m OK!, Tip Reporting, Virtual WalkHome, Campus Map, Emergency Plans, Support Resources, Safety Notifications and more. The Colby Safe app is available in your app store.
Colby Security officers conduct vehicle and foot patrols on the Colby campus and are charged with the safety of our campus community as well as enforcement of College policies. Although Security officers do not have police authority on the Colby campus, the Department maintains a positive working relationship with the Waterville Police Department and other law enforcement agencies throughout the state. Waterville Police routinely notify Colby Security of summonses issued and other concerns about the conduct or safety of Colby students off-campus. Colby Security officers have direct radio contact with emergency services, including police, fire, and ambulance, and these providers will be called to or allowed on campus as needed. When serious crimes occur on campus the Waterville Police Department may be notified and respond to conduct an investigation. A victim of any crime can request that the police are notified. Any violations of College policies, whether or not they require the assistance of the Waterville Police, are routinely referred to the Office of Community Values for follow-up and any necessary action.
In order to assist the Waterville Police in the investigation of specific complaints of criminal activity, Colby permits the police to inspect and copy Colby Security Incident Reports upon receipt of a written request containing a description, by time and subject matter, of the information necessary to assist the police in conducting a criminal investigation.
Transport (Shuttle and Jitney): Colby provides shuttle services to faculty, staff and students from campus to Alfond Commons throughout the academic year. The shuttle operates 18-20 hours a day, seven days a week. Full details can be found on the Shuttle tab of ColbyNow or the Security transportation page.
The Colby Jitney is a free shuttle service available to students. It takes students from Colby to Waterville locations that the Colby Shuttle does not provide service to, on a first-come, first serve basis. It generally operates from Monday – Friday 7:30-5:30 pm. Pick up is outside of Grossman Hall in the Roberts Hall parking lot. Download the COlbyGo app from your app store to schedule a ride. The Security Department provides ride and escort services upon request.
Student Vehicles and Parking: Students are responsible for complying with Security’s Parking Regulations. Students who repeatedly violate parking regulations may be referred to the Office of Community Values for further action. For up to date parking information and procedures, students should review the College’s Parking Information webpage.
All vehicles parking on Colby College property must have a parking decal or temporary permit issued by the Department of Security. Security is located in Room 128, Roberts Building and at 207-859-5530.
There is a $100 fee per annual permit. There is a limit of one sticker per student. If you buy a new vehicle or have your sticker removed, be sure to contact Security for a new permit. NOTE: Stickers must be placed on the rear, left side (driver’s side) of the rear bumper or window in a manner that the sticker is clearly visible from the rear.
To obtain a parking permit click on this link, and follow the instructions. Any vehicle parked on campus without a permit is subject to a ticket and/or being towed.
Bill & Joan Alfond Main Street Commons: Each apartment is issued one parking space in the downtown lot (Appleton str). Each apartment is issued a Colby parking hanger that must be hung from the rearview mirror while the vehicle is in the lot. Campus Life manages these parking hangers. Vehicles that do not display a Colby parking hanger will be subject to a Colby parking ticket and/or towed at the owner’s expense. If you are going to park your vehicle on campus, you must have a Commuter parking permit issued by Security. The Colby parking hanger only grants authority to park in the Appleton Street parking lot.
Student Financial Services: Student Financial Services is located on the first floor of the Garrison-Foster Building 207-859-4132; [email protected]. This is the office to contact with questions about financial aid, College bills and fines, and student and parent loans. Information is also available at and in the “Financing a Colby Education” brochure available in the SFS office. Colby offers financial aid to admitted students who demonstrate financial eligibility and are enrolled full-time. More than half of Colby students receive some form of financial assistance, including grants, campus employment or outside scholarships.
Student Employment Opportunities: Any students may hold part-time campus jobs. There are jobs available in many academic and administrative departments during the academic year and over the summer. Off-campus work study is not available.
Pay rates vary by position. Students may not work more than 12 hours per week (all campus jobs combined) unless approved by HR, the supervisor, Financial Services and the Assistant Dean of Students Success. Financial aid recipients may earn more than indicated in their aid package, but are encouraged to consult with Student Financial Services prior to doing so. Students must set up direct deposit, submit tax forms, and complete onboarding prior to starting work. Students must submit accurate timesheets into Workday and are paid every second week.
During the summer employment term, housing is available at a fee through the Office of Residential Experience. Seniors are not eligible to work after graduation without special, and rare, authorization by HR.
Violations of College policy may impact employment opportunities. Employment may be terminated at any time for good cause, including disciplinary or performance issues.
Employment assistance and resources are available in the HR student employment office located in Roberts #126. Additional information can be found on the Student Employment website or instagram.
International Student Information: International students at Colby are responsible for maintaining their F-1 visa status by avoiding violations through the duration of their studies at Colby and thereafter during any authorized period of Optional Practical Training. Students must contact the International Student Program ([email protected]) to receive guidance before dropping classes, changing majors or engaging in any off-campus employment, including internships. International students should refer to the International Student Resource Manual for more details regarding maintaining F-1 status, employment, and other related topics.
ColbyCard (Identification Card) and Other I.D.s: The ColbyCard is the official Colby identification card. The ColbyCard features a digitized photo, proximity core for door access to authorized areas, and a magnetic stripe for meal plan access and convenience purchases.
ColbyCards are issued when students arrive on campus. If a card is damaged, lost or stolen, it should be reported immediately to the ITS Support Center in Lovejoy 146; [email protected]; 207-859-4222. The card will be deactivated and a replacement card issued (for a fee). If a card is lost outside of business hours, students should contact the Security Department 207-859-5911. Additional information about the ColbyCard can be found on the ColbyCard website. (See also the General College Policies section for further information on requirements concerning the ColbyCard.)
Funds remaining on a ColbyCard will be retained by the College if not claimed by the student within 30 days of when a student withdraws or graduates from the College.
Student Email Accounts: The College uses Colby email and student mailboxes regularly to communicate with students. Students are required to regularly check their email account, and to reply to any administrator or faculty requests promptly.
Student Mail Services: Students are required to regularly check their mail as some College business is done by mail. The Colby Student Post Office is located on the first floor of Cotter Union.
The Mail Service Center is located on the ground floor of the Colby Bookstore and provides full mail and package delivery/shipping services for USPS, FedEx, UPS and other carriers. During peak periods, package deliveries may be designated for other locations on campus. Students will receive an email notification when a package has been received, specifying the location for pickup. We strongly encourage students to pick up packages as soon as possible. Operating hours are posted online.
Student Records, Including Disciplinary Records: The College maintains a wide variety of records on students and complies with the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Students (and in some instances their parents/guardians) have certain rights under FERPA, which are described in more detail in the appendix. Students should be aware that unless otherwise required by law, the College maintains records of formal disciplinary actions (including academic dishonesty) for a period of 6 years after graduation or date of last attendance, with the exception of TIX records, which are maintained for 7 years from the date of the resolution of the incident. Disciplinary actions by the College are not noted on student transcripts, but are contained in records maintained by the Dean of Students Office. Students should be aware that certain off-campus programs, graduate schools, employers and other institutions may require the disclosure of disciplinary actions. The College will only disclose disciplinary information upon specific, written consent signed by the student, except as specified in the Handbook. For purposes of this policy, a consent form that does not specifically address the release of disciplinary information does not constitute consent. Students with questions about their disciplinary records should contact the Office of Community Values at [email protected] or 207-859-4256.
Health Records: No student will be allowed to register, attend classes, or participate in any campus activities, including COOT, until their required health and immunization records are received and approved by the college’s healthcare partners at MaineGeneral College Health.
For students participating in rugby and varsity athletics, the NCAA requires that these students submit documentation of a physical health examination by a medical provider conducted within the past six months, which can be emailed to [email protected]. For all Colby students, proof of the following immunizations is also required: tetanus and diphtheria (the primary series plus a booster within the last 10 years), the meningitis vaccine (one dose after the age of 16), and two doses of the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines given after the student’s first birthday. Not required but recommended are: the COVID-19 vaccine, the hepatitis B immunization series, and a chickenpox vaccine, if there is no history of this disease. Students are encouraged to discuss these recommended vaccines with their healthcare provider prior to coming to campus.
Arrangements can be made through MaineGeneral College Health, the health clinic for Colby students, to receive vaccines. Maine state law requires that students submit complete immunization records, showing the month, day, and year their immunizations were given, and that they include the signature and address of the healthcare provider. A valid copy of school immunization records or hospital/clinic records also may be acceptable. Details can be found on the immunization form emailed to all students or by calling MaineGeneral College Health. If proof of vaccinations cannot be obtained, vaccines should be administered again by the student’s healthcare provider before the student travels to Colby. It is expected that health and immunization forms will be complete and submitted to Colby no later July 15, prior to students’ arrival on campus.
As a residential college, Colby seeks to provide a living community that encourages a sense of belonging and mutual trust, and which supports personal growth and learning. The residential experience is an integral part of the academic program of the College; it is where intellectual stimulation continues through conversation with peers, and where students study, whether individually or in groups. Programs are also in place to enhance ties between students and faculty/staff.
The Residential Experience Policy is not a contract, and the College reserves the right to make changes to the Residential Experience Policy at any time. The College will furnish housing under the terms and conditions herein stated, and as described in information materials which may accompany this statement, or which may be issued by the College and are by reference made a part of this policy. Those reference documents include the Colby College Catalog and other sections of the Colby College Student Handbook.
The College’s residence halls offer a variety of locations, styles, and options to students. These include single, double, triple, quad, suite and apartment styles. Additionally, several unique Specialty and Theme Based housing community opportunities exist, such as senior housing and affinity group halls. Communities may vary each year and are based on student interests and class year considerations. Specialty and Theme Based housing community opportunities are announced to students annually during the Housing Selection process in the spring semester. When considering the College’s various communities, students must understand the expectations and requirements of each.
The College department which oversees a specialty housing residence, or a College endorsed Hall Council, may develop residence specific policies, including accountability policies. Such policies must be approved by the Associate Dean for the Residential Experience and the Dean of Students.
More information about housing options is available from the Office of Residential Experience.
Community Advisors: The Community Advisors (CA) are exemplary students from diverse backgrounds who work in the residence halls to ensure a seamless transition for first years and encourage community building for all students throughout the year. Community Advisors plan events, conduct building rounds, intervene in detrimental student behaviors/activities, serve as role models in educating and supporting students in complying with College policies, and assist in maintaining a safe and respectful residential environment.
Faculty-in-Residence and Staff-in Residence Program: The Faculty-in-Residence (FIR) and Staff-in-Residence (SIR) Program is designed to support and enrich the living and learning environment within the residence halls and broader campus community. Through informal and formal interactions, the faculty/staff in residence serve as visible and engaged members of the residence hall community to foster an inclusive environment in which students can develop and grow academically, intellectually and personally.
Students living in a residence hall community have the right to:
Students living in a residence hall community have the responsibility to:
The Student Code of Conduct applies to the residence halls. Students living or visiting residence halls, and their guests, are expected to maintain a respectful, orderly and safe community.
Alleged failure to comply with Residential Experience Rights, Responsibilities, Policies and Expectations will be adjudicated as alleged violations of Noncompliance. Violations may result in outcomes or sanctions including, but not limited to, fines, loss of housing, restricted housing, and receiving a later housing selection timeslot. Restorative Practices may also be used to address conduct and residence hall concerns. Please refer to the Fines section of the Code of Conduct for the value of specific fines.
Students are required to pay restitution for any cost incurred to the College due to damage to, or loss of, College property.
Eligibility: Occupancy of residences is limited to registered, full-time Colby College students in good financial standing with the College, and others affiliated with the College who may be assigned by the Dean of Students Office.
Eligibility for Specialty and Theme-based Housing may include additional requirements and an application process.
Pregnant students may reside on campus during pregnancy. The student should maintain contact with the Director of Student Wellness to discuss such issues as plans for prenatal care, arrangements for labor and delivery, and transportation to the hospital. For additional information about the rights of pregnant students, contact the Title IX coordinator at 207-859-4266 or [email protected]. Children of students are not permitted to reside in the residence halls, as student residence hall rooms and facilities do not provide a suitable environment for children.
Payments: The student will make payment of fees for housing and food services at the rate set by the College. All charges are placed on the semester bill and are subject to provisions set by the College. Contact Student Financial Services with questions regarding payment or fees associated with housing and food services.
Termination: The College reserves the right to terminate, without refund, the privilege of on-campus residence for any student found in violation of College regulations or acceptable standards of behavior. If the College determines that the continued presence of a student in a residence hall presents an unreasonable risk of harm or disruption to the student or others, the College may cancel a student’s room assignment and remove the student from the residence hall without notice or an opportunity to be heard. In the event that a room assignment has been made based upon a leadership position (i.e., hall staff, elected positions), resignation from or loss of the position may result in the reassignment of all the occupants of the room.
Access to Residence Halls and Rooms by College Staff: The College reserves the authority and discretion to enter a student’s room when the student is not present, without notice, or when the student has not invited the staff member in, to ensure student safety and compliance with College policies. This may occur (but is not limited to):
Students may not impede the entry of staff when they are entering the suite, apartment or room, based on the grounds above or similar.
Maintenance and safety inspections of all residence halls and rooms are routinely done during the academic year and scheduled breaks in the academic calendar (such as fall break, winter break, etc.).
Facilities Service staff, other authorized staff, or escorted outside contractors, do not provide written notification prior to conducting routine maintenance work (such as responding to calls; closing windows in cold weather; conducting repairs of windows, walls, ceilings, floors, electrical devices, and fixtures; painting; removing unwanted or damaged furniture; gaining access to concealed plumbing; and other maintenance work). When staff visit rooms to conduct inspections or repairs during periods when students are generally present on campus, they may leave a notice of their visit in the room or on the door.
Facilities, Security, and other College employees are authorized to report potential safety and other policy violations they observe during authorized visits to rooms and residence halls to the Office of Residential Experience, Security and/or the Office of Community Values.
Room Assignments: Students are required to live in the room assigned to them by the Office of Residential Experience; it is critically important that the College have accurate information about where students are living in case of an emergency. Residence hall staff and others will conduct periodic checks to ensure that students are living in their assigned rooms.
Room assignments are made for a full academic year, subject to earlier termination only in the event of the student’s withdrawal or dismissal from College or residences. Single semester room assignments are available in legitimate circumstances, such as when a student studies abroad.
New students will be assigned to residences by the Office of the Residential Experience. Current residents will select their rooms in accordance with the Office of the Residential Experience procedures. The College reserves the right to assign or reassign rooms for any good cause, including reasons of health, safety, and conduct. In the event of a vacancy, the College may fill the vacancy without the approval of the current room occupants and each room occupant agrees to accept any roommate that may be assigned by the College. A room cannot be assigned by any student to any other person.
Students with a room assignment may not simultaneously hold an off-campus lease; students must occupy their on-campus room assignment as their full time living space during the academic semester unless they are approved for off-campus housing.
Off-Campus Housing: All full-time students are required to live in College-owned residential facilities (either on the Mayflower Hill campus or elsewhere in the City of Waterville) for the entirety of their enrollment at Colby College, except when granted permission, in writing, by the Dean of Students or their designee, or through official off-campus housing processes administered by the Office of Residential Experience. If granted permission to live in off-campus housing, students are expected to comply with any conditions established by the College.
Students in need of off-campus housing as part of an accommodation must apply for such housing through the Director for Student Access and Disability Services.
Colby-owned buildings that are not located on the main campus are not considered off-campus housing. All College policies apply to these residences as they would apply to residence halls on Mayflower Hill.
Room Occupancy: Official dates of occupancy align with the published academic calendar provided by the College. Returning students may generally occupy their assigned room 48-hours before the first full day of classes in any semester. New students may generally occupy rooms on the first day of Orientation (during the fall semester) and 48-hours before the first full day of classes in Jan Plan and Spring semesters. Students are expected to vacate their rooms no later than 24-hours after their last scheduled exam or by published residence hall closure dates, whichever is first. Early arrival and late departure is not permitted.
Students may only occupy the residence halls during Jan Plan if they are registered for an on-campus Jan Plan or have permission from the Dean of Students or designee. Students who are not registered for an on-campus Jan Plan, do not have permission from the Dean of Students, or students who withdraw after the first day of Jan Plan, will have their College ID cards deactivated and will be required to vacate their assigned room until the start of the next semester.
At the end of occupancy, students are expected to follow the Office of Residential Experience check-out procedure and to leave their room in an acceptable, clean condition. If extra cleaning, repairs or removal of personal items by College employees is needed, the student will be assessed service charges and/or fines. Any items left in a room after a student has vacated that room will be discarded or become property of the College.
Any student with a vacant occupancy in their room must keep one side of the room and all associated furniture/space free and clear of personal objects. The vacant occupancy must be immediately available to accept a newly assigned student at any time.
College Break Occupancy: All College-owned residence halls are closed during official break periods (except Fall Break). Closing dates are published on the academic calendar and communicated to students via email, community meetings, and postings in the residence halls. Room inspections are conducted prior to breaks and any reported policy violations may result in a referral to the Office of Community Values.
Students must vacate the halls by the designated time. When residence halls are closed, no students are permitted to reside in or enter these areas unless authorized by the Office of Residential Experience. Students may only be in the residence halls during Thanksgiving, Winter and/or Spring break if they have prior authorization to remain on campus as outlined by College-communicated procedures. Students who do not have prior authorization who remain on campus will be required to leave immediately and may be referred to Community Values. Students approved to remain on campus during a College break are not permitted to host any non-Colby guests or Colby students who are not authorized to be on campus.
Room Changes: Students are required to live in the room assigned to them by the Office of Residential Experience. Room changes may only be made after submitting a written request and receiving written approval from the Office of Residential Experience after the second full week of class each semester. Unauthorized room changes, or failure to move out of a room at the designated time, may result in referral to Community Values and the following sanctions:
Combining Rooms: Students are prohibited from “combining” rooms. That is, groups of students from more than one living unit may not relocate beds and use the bed-free room as social space. Students who combine rooms will be required to immediately return all furnishings to their original location. Students that remain out of compliance following notification from the Office of Residential Experience will be referred to Community Values and fines and/or other sanctions may be applied.
Room Care and Damage: Students are responsible for cleaning their own room, suite, or apartment, for removing waste materials regularly into College designated waste and recycling receptacles, and for maintaining sanitation and safety conditions acceptable to the College. Students are responsible for the care and upkeep of interior (private) restrooms within a suite/apartment, including providing all cleaning supplies, toilet paper, etc. Students are expected to return their room to the College in “broom clean” condition, free of any debris. Fees may be assessed for additional cleaning.
Care should always be taken not to damage any part of their room and furnishings. Residents are responsible for damage to, or loss of, College property in their assigned rooms (whether attributed to residents or their guests). Damage (such as due to use of adhesives) and unauthorized alterations (such as painting walls) will result in charges to restore the room to its original condition.
The Office of Residential Experience attempts to identify individuals responsible for damage and loss in common areas. Students are encouraged to notify the Office of Residential Experience, the Security Department, or the Office of Community Values if they know who is responsible for damaging College property.
Maintenance Requests: Students may enter a work order request at any time and for any concerns in their residence hall or room. Facilities Services processes requests. Students will receive an email notification that the request has been received and again when the work has been completed.
To submit a work order:
Please be as specific as possible to share the concern and exact location.
Urgent requests during the weekends and after hours should be directed to Colby College Security at 207-859-5530. Security will contact the Facilities On-Call Staff.
Room Furnishings: A bedframe, mattress, dresser drawers, closet space, desk, and desk chair are provided in each room. Students may not move additional items into the room from common areas of the residence hall or from other student rooms. Students may not remove college-issued furniture from rooms. If a room has a vacancy, students must keep the unoccupied space available to receive a roommate at any time (“roommate ready”) and may not disassemble furniture or occupy more than one set.
Locks & Keys: At the time of check-in, students will be issued a key to their room (and a key to a suite/apartment main door, if applicable). Keys are the sole responsibility of the resident to whom they are issued. Only students assigned to the specific room may pick up a key(s), and must do so in person; keys may not be picked up by friends, family, etc.
In the event of a room change, a student will be issued the key to their new room and allowed to keep the key to their former assignment for a maximum of 48 hours for the purposes of relocating. If the key to the former residence is not returned as required, the key will be considered lost and charges associated with a lock change will apply.
At the time of checkout, it is the student’s responsibility to return their assigned key(s) to the Office of Residential Experience. Keys that are not returned according to the deadline or process communicated will be considered lost, and charges associated with a lock change will apply. Keys may not be returned by mail.
Keys are not transferable (e.g. loaning or swapping) and may not be duplicated. Lost or stolen keys must be reported to the Office of Residential Experience and the Department of Security immediately.
Lockouts: For safety purposes, students are strongly encouraged to lock their room/suite door any time the space is left unattended. Students are expected to carry their key(s). If a student locks themselves out of their room, they must follow these steps:
If a student requests an excessive number of lockouts, a member of the Office of Residential Experience may request to meet with the student and/or refer the student to the Office of Community Values.
Lock Changes: A lost or stolen key must be immediately reported to the Office of Residential Experience and the Department of Security. When a key is lost or unreturned, a $150 lock change fee plus an additional $10 per replaced key (e.g., keys needed to replace the full set per room/suite/apartment door) will be assessed. The total number of keys replaced will vary depending on the type of key and the total occupants of the particular space (i.e. single room key replacement is two replaced keys; a seven-person suite/apartment main door is eight replaced keys). In all lock changes and key replacements, a spare key is made. No refunds fees will be made if the original key is subsequently found.
Windows/Screens: Students must leave windows closed and locked when their rooms are unoccupied. Installed window-stops are safety features so their removal is prohibited. Residents are prohibited from using residence hall windows as an entrance or an exit, for passing items through, or for throwing or dropping objects out of or into. Screens must remain in place and windows must be free of attachments such as speakers, banners, decorations, and AC units. No items may be hung from the exterior of the window or affixed to the exterior of the building surrounding the window. Items may be placed on window sills as long as they do not block access for emergency egress.
Personal Property in Residence Halls: The College assumes no responsibility for loss, theft or damage to students’ personal property, whether in a student’s room, elsewhere on campus, or in storage. All items are brought to and kept on campus at the student’s own risk. Families and students are encouraged to review insurance policies to ensure they are sufficient to cover a student’s belongings at school. Students are strongly discouraged from keeping large amounts of cash or valuable items in residence halls or storage areas.
Students are strongly encouraged to keep their rooms locked when unoccupied, while residents are sleeping, etc. Students who possess prescribed medications should take care to store them securely. Thefts should be reported to Security as soon as possible.
Students are strongly encouraged to store all personal items in their locked room and to not leave any personal items in common areas (hallways, lounges, etc.). Items left in common areas will be discarded by College staff as trash and students will not be reimbursed.
Property which is abandoned by students or left in a room when a student has moved out will be claimed by the College and donated or discarded as deemed appropriate by Facilities Services or Office of Residential Experience.
Students should note that the College does not carry insurance to protect student personal property and, as such, cannot be held liable in the event of students’ property being damaged, lost or stolen from any College-owned or maintained buildings. Students should seek coverage for their belongings through their family homeowner’s insurance policy or a student housing insurance policy.
Items obstructing Hallways & Exits: Hallways, stairways and entrances must remain completely clear at all times for fire and life safety reasons. Items such as shoes, welcome mats, sports equipment, bikes, and furniture may not be left in hallways. Items will be removed and donated or discarded. Students may be referred to the Office of Community Values and may be fined for causing an obstruction.
Prohibited items: The following items are prohibited in and around residence halls. Other items may be deemed inappropriate for safety or other reasons.
Confiscation of Prohibited Items: Any prohibited item found within the jurisdiction of the Code may be confiscated by College employees. Confiscated items will not be returned to students. Items that will be confiscated include alcohol possessed by students under the age of 21, paraphernalia used for irresponsible drinking, drugs or drug paraphernalia, any item listed as prohibited in Residential Experience policy, and items which pose a threat to the health and safety of the community.
Quiet Hours: Students may not cause disturbances or make significant noise during designated quiet hours. With exception of any residence halls where residents have agreed to comply with extended quiet hours (Specialty or Theme-based housing) , the following quiet hours apply on campus:
Temporary exceptions to quiet hours may be granted by the Dean of Residential Experience and Housing on a case-by-case basis for College-approved events. Advanced approval is required.
Twenty-four hour (24-hour) quiet hours apply in all campus residence halls throughout the entirety of examination periods, beginning at noon on the first reading day and concluding at the end of the final scheduled examination session.
Courtesy Hours: All residence halls have “courtesy hours,” which means that residents of neighboring rooms have the authority and right to reasonably request that music and/or other noise be reduced at any time. Students are expected to show respect for their fellow residents, and to comply with all requests from neighbors, Community Advisors, Faculty-in-Residence, Residential Experience staff, and Security to turn down music or to disperse a gathering. Generally, first offenses result in a verbal warning from Community Advisors, Residential Experience staff, or Security to residents of the room/apartment, but students may be referred to the Office of Community Values for any failure to comply with requests and/or repeated noise violations.
Access to Residence Halls and Rooms by Students: Residence halls are not public buildings; they are private residences owned and maintained by the College. Visiting a residence hall is a privilege extended by members of that residence hall, not a right. Community Advisors and students are encouraged to call Security if they encounter an unknown or unauthorized person in their residence hall.
All residence halls are secured 24 hours a day. The ColbyCard allows access to most residence halls from 7am to 11pm. After 11pm student access is limited to a student’s own residence hall. The Alfond Senior Apartment Complex is only accessible to seniors. The ColbyCard provides access to the lobby area of the Bill & Joan Alfond Main Street Commons but access to the residential floors is limited 24 hours a day to building residents only, through use of the ColbyCard and a unique PIN number specific to each resident.
Guests: Guests are defined as any person in a residence hall (Colby student or otherwise) who is not assigned to a room in that residence hall. Every resident has the right to access their own room at any time and the right to sleep at any time without visitors present. The right of a student to live in reasonable privacy and access their room takes precedence over the privilege of their roommate to entertain a guest in the room, suite, or apartment. In general, with roommate permission, outside guests are allowed for no more than two consecutive days in a seven-day period, including in rooms where students live alone. Any roommate, suitemate, apartment-mate or other Colby student who feels inconvenienced by a guest should first discuss this concern with the hosting student. If that brings no result, the student should contact a Community Advisor, Office of Residential Experience, or, if warranted, Colby Security.
Guests must be escorted through the hall at all times. All individuals within the residence halls may be asked to show ID. Student hosts are responsible for their guests at all times; if any College policy violations occur, the student host and/or guests may be held individually accountable and referred to the Office of Community Values.
Students approved to remain on campus during the Summer-to-Fall Transition Period (before start of fall semester), Senior/Commencement Week (non-Senior class year students), College breaks, and Spring-to-Summer Transition Period (after conclusion of spring semester) are not permitted to host any guests, including Colby students.
Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, rodents, and other air-breathing, non-aquatic animals, are not permitted in student rooms, suites, or apartments, or in residence hall common areas unless they are service or assistance animals approved through the Office of Student Access and Disabilities Services. Properly cared for, non-carnivorous fish are welcome, however, tanks may not exceed 10-gallons in size.
Unsafe Behavior: The following list provides examples of unsafe behavior. Other behaviors may also be deemed unsafe on a case-by-case basis.
Unsafe Behavior examples include, but are not limited to:
Use of hammocks, slacklines, scooters, skateboards, and other personal devices on campus is done at the risk of the user.
Drones: Students must comply with the College’s Unmanned Aerial Systems Policy.
Fire Alarms & Evacuation Procedures: All individuals in a campus building, including guests, must evacuate the building any time the fire alarm system is activated if they can do so safely. This applies to actual emergencies and drills. Failure to evacuate may result in referral to the Office of Community Values. An evacuation exception may occur upon prior notification or announcement by College officials.
Residential Experience staff will explain specific evacuation procedures for each building at a residence hall community meeting. Diagrams of the building’s floor plans containing recommended evacuation routes are posted inside buildings. Students are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with the residence hall layout and evacuation routes. Exit signs are located strategically throughout the buildings.
In the event of a fire alarm sounding (including fire drills), residents and guests must
Food Preparation: Flame-producing and open-heating cooking devices are not permitted in student rooms or apartments. Examples include hot plates, elemental heaters, toasters, toaster ovens, camp stoves. Students may prepare food using non-flame-producing and non-open-heating devices, such as microwaves, crockpots, electric kettles and/or using College-provided appliances (Alfond Senior Apartments, Alfond Main St. Commons).
Students may not use grills of any kind anywhere on campus except those provided by the College. Please refer to the Open Fires Policy on the Special Programs website: Open Fires Policy.
Posting (Notices, Advertisements, Posters): Students must follow all policies regarding posting materials as detailed in the General Policies section of the Student Handbook. Students are not permitted to hang posters on any Community Advisor designated bulletin boards. Designated resident posting boards may be made available in the residence halls, and location and quantity of these boards may vary. Any student posting inside a residence hall (including, but not limited to fliers, advertisements, etc.) must first be approved by the Office of Residential Experience.
To be approved, posters must include the following:
Posters may not remain up for more than three (3) days after the advertised event. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring group or individual to remove posters. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in loss of residence hall posting privileges, immediate removal of materials, and referral to the Office of Community Values.
Student Businesses: Students who wish to operate a business on campus must typically seek approval as a “student entrepreneur.” Please see the General College Policies section of this Handbook for the full policy on student businesses.
Restroom Usage: Restroom gender designation is indicated on the physical signage outside the door (Male, Female or All-gender). Students are encouraged to use the restroom that most closely aligns with, and/or feels most comfortable for, their gender identity. Failure to adhere to this guideline not only affects the overall living experience for your fellow residents but also their potential sense of safety in those spaces. All-gender restrooms provide safe and comfortable restroom facilities for queer, trans, and gender-nonconforming people. Students may contact the Office of Residential Experience or, confidentiality, the Title IX Coordinator, for all-gender bathroom locations in the residence halls.
Common Spaces/Lounges: Students using residence hall common spaces/lounge spaces must remain respectful of all the residents of the building. Spaces may not be used for inappropriate or prohibited activities and must be kept clean and damage-free. Use must not disrupt residents.
Residence hall common spaces/lounges may not be used for large events (more than 15 people) except by Residential Experience staff. Nonresidential event spaces may be reserved through the Colby Events Office ([email protected], 207-859-4735).
Laundry Rooms: Residents should keep residence hall laundry rooms clean and dispose of trash properly. Residents must remove personal clothing and items promptly after the end of each cycle. Residents must not remove other students’ clothes from washers or dryers.
Laundry rooms are considered public locations so are subject to regular cleaning. Items left unattended in the laundry room for an extended period of time may be removed and discarded without notice.
In the event of any issues with laundry machines, residents are encouraged to fill out a work order to help maintain the facilities in good working conditions.
Storage Rooms: Storage trunk rooms for use during the academic year and summer months are available for current students’ convenience on a first-come, first-served basis. Storing of items in a trunk room is only permitted with approval from the Office of Residential Experience.
Only properly boxed and approved items may be stored. Items must be stored in pre-approved containers such as boxes, plastic totes, luggage, or storage tote bags. No furniture (sofas, chairs, futons, mattresses, etc.) carpets, or appliances (refrigerators, vacuums, etc.) are permitted. Any unapproved items, or improperly stored items are subject to be removal and disposal without notification.
Students must use labels provided by the Office of Residential Experience on their property with their name, class year and date stored. Items that are not properly labeled may be discarded. Items left behind by a student at the end of the year will be discarded unless a student has permission to store items over the summer months. Information about storage facilities in the Waterville area can be found online.
The College does not assume responsibility for loss, theft or damage to students’ personal property kept in storage rooms and will not reimburse students for items.
Bike Storage: Students may store bicycles, at their own risk, at approved outdoor bike racks or residence hall bike rooms located in select campus residence halls. Residents are responsible for providing their own locks.
Indoor bicycle storage is not available in every residence hall and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Only person-powered (no e-bikes, motor or battery-powered) bicycles may be stored in the residence halls. Bicycles may not be stored, chained or otherwise, to doors or in entrances, exits, corridors, and stairwells. Bicycles stored improperly will be removed daily and chains, cables, or locks on those bikes may be cut if necessary at the owner’s expense. Removed bikes will be donated or discarded, if unclaimed, on a weekly basis.
Bicycles must be removed from campus during the summer break. Bicycles left over the summer will be considered abandoned and will be confiscated and donated or discarded.
Honesty, integrity, and personal responsibility are cornerstones of a Colby education and provide the foundation for scholarly inquiry, intellectual discourse, and an open and welcoming campus community. These values are articulated in the Colby Affirmation and are central to the academic endeavor. Colby students are expected to aspire to the highest standards of integrity; to understand what is expected in each course or program; submit work that reflects their best efforts; follow the guidelines for each assignment; accurately represent sources; give credit to anyone or anything whose work is used or relied upon; and to seek help when struggling with an assignment rather than resorting to unethical means. Course assignments and exams are given to facilitate and evaluate learning required to earn a Colby degree. These are compromised when academic dishonesty occurs. Students are encouraged to contribute to a culture of academic integrity in their interactions with classmates, faculty, and College staff. Ethical behavior is highly valued and expected not only at Colby, but also by future employers.
To facilitate ethical college practices, Colby students need to actively learn effective college study and time-management habits. Unethical behavior often occurs when students feel disconnected from the coursework, when they feel under pressure, or that they do not have time to complete the work independently. Identifying strategies to minimize the chances that such situations arise is an important first step. Frequently, study habits used successfully in high school need to be changed, or expanded and refined in college. Well in advance of an exam or major assignment, pursue discussions of general, course, and/or discipline-specific study strategies with appropriate members of the Colby community. Such study strategies include efficient in-depth reading, regularly checking comprehension of new material, actively taking notes, appropriately spreading out study sessions for exams, breaking major assignments into manageable smaller pieces, etc. Concrete steps include using a planner/calendar system to document assignment due dates and test dates, to plan daily activities, effectively divide up larger assignments and exam studying sessions, and attend office hours and/or review sessions. Reflecting on experiences for each course after every major assignment or exam and at the end of the semester helps to determine what is working well and should be continued, and what needs to be modified to improve. Some college students find a few weeks into a semester that they have inadvertently overloaded themselves with academic, extracurricular, and other obligations. At that point, it is acceptable to seek help in prioritizing and deciding how to best deal with the situation, which may be best handled by dropping one or more nonessential activities.
The Colby experience is primarily about learning and growing, both personally and academically. Only students who have the potential to succeed at Colby are accepted into Colby. However, no student is expected to know everything. Thus, all students who submit their own work will make mistakes and misassumptions, which provide some of the best (and most memorable) learning opportunities. Exploration (not avoidance) with a goal of competence (not perfection) is an appropriate strategy to move forward educationally. Strive to understand the value of the work assigned in each class (what is to be learned from the exercise or why the professor bothered to assign this work), develop a growth mindset, and learn what constitutes ethical behavior in college and in your chosen discipline. Be aware that each Colby course/program has its own policies and accepted practices as does most every company/institution and division outside of Colby.
Be sure you clearly understand what is or is not acceptable for each course and don’t hesitate to ask the instructor for clarifications to do so. For example, is collaboration allowed on an assignment? If so, with whom can you collaborate, and to what extent are these collaborations acceptable? Are you expected to acknowledge these collaborations? Can electronic resources be used on an assignment? If so, what are the citation requirements and limitations? Never assume that the accepted practices are the same between venues, such as between high school and Colby, or between Colby classes, even those taught by the same instructor. For example, while using and reposting images and text passages without acknowledgement is accepted and even encouraged in social media, the same behavior is almost always considered to be plagiarism in a college course. See also the section below entitled Further Academic Integrity Considerations for Students.
There are ample resource individuals available at Colby who are willing and able to help students with various aspects of their education to ensure the best experience possible. These include course professors (for instance, in office hours or an appointment set up by email), an assigned academic advisor, an assigned advising dean, a course teaching or learning assistant or laboratory instructor, a librarian, a tutor, or even a coach, team captain, faculty liaison, learning consultant, counselor in the Health Center or community advisor, when applicable. If you feel desperate and are considering making a poor choice that is academically dishonest, first seek help from an individual that can help you consider other ethical options (e.g., one of the resource individuals listed above whom you feel comfortable consulting). Also realize that the grade penalty in a course for late or substandard work done honestly will be much less than the grade penalty incurred by a sanction for academic dishonesty in that course.
Failure to meet standards of academic integrity at Colby may result in a report of either academic dishonesty or academic negligence. The reporting professor decides whether a particular situation warrants a report of academic dishonesty or academic negligence based on guidelines in the Academic Misconduct section..
Further Academic Integrity Considerations for Students
For all the classwork you do it is imperative that you understand the guidelines and rules governing its completion. The list below is intended to help you determine whether or not you understand the instructor’s expectations for an assignment/assessment, which are typically discussed in class, are found in the course syllabus and/or in the assignment/assessment instructions.
If any aspect isn’t clearly or fully addressed by the course instructor, reach out for clarification before you complete the assignment. If the syllabus/instructions focus on what is allowed, assume everything else is not allowed for that work unless you have specifically cleared it in advance with the instructor (preferably in writing). Assume there are different expectations for each of your courses and for every assignment. Assume that any use of AI tools (e.g., ChatGPT, Quillbot) is not allowed in any assignment/assessment. Only rely on such tools when explicitly told it is acceptable or appropriate by the course instructor; in that case, only use these tools in the manner allowed.
Be aware that you are responsible for understanding and following assignment/assessment requirements to ensure what you turn in is your own work. Failing to do so will likely compromise your learning in the class and may be an academic integrity violation, which can come with serious consequences, as discussed above.
For each assignment/assessment you should read its specific instructions AND read/reread relevant guidelines in the course syllabus to address at least these questions:
Examples: anything you can find; your class notes; class notes from other students; the textbook; other books; the class website; all internet sites or only selected types; etc.
Examples: the instructor and/or other students in the class can be asked to clarify an aspect; any other student, such as a tutor or student that has taken the class previously, can be asked to check an idea or give general guidance; a Writing Center tutor can help with formatting and/or language; a librarian can help you find appropriate resources; etc.
Examples: none, all work is to be done individually; potential solutions may be discussed verbally with others, but each student individually composes unique written answers that are turned in; students can work together and submit identical copies of work; work by a student in the course a previous semester can be solicited and used to check work; etc.
Examples: everything in your own words with discipline appropriate-formatted citations to all sources of information/ideas with (or except) citations to class notes, the textbook, and/or communications from the instructor; only directly copied passages need to be cited; other information and/or ideas may be used any way and without citation; collaborations are to be disclosed by giving names with (or without) extent of collaboration; etc.
Examples: comments on a draft that should be addressed in the final submitted work; comments or corrections on similar previous assignments; a sample test on the same material with answers to be able to generate one’s own feedback; etc.
Academic Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:
“Generative AI” includes platforms such as ChatGPT and Grammarly, as well as many other tools available online. It is your responsibility to ensure that any tool is acceptable to use. Consult with your professor/s before using any external tool or resource that is not clearly indicated as an appropriate tool.
Academic dishonesty is a serious offense. Sanctions for academic dishonesty are assigned by an Academic Review Board and may include no credit for the assignment, a course grade reduction, failure of the course, or suspension or expulsion from the College.
A finding of academic dishonesty is retained as a disciplinary record until six years after graduation or leaving the College. This finding does not appear on a transcript or as part of an academic record. Many applications to educational institutions, such as to graduate or professional schools, request that discipline or academic dishonesty findings be disclosed and addressed. If addressed appropriately (responsibility for the action taken, combined with an authentic statement of the lessons learned), such findings do not usually preclude acceptance into those institutions unless a finding is quite egregious or there are multiple findings.
Academic Negligence consists of a minor, usually unintentional lapse of ethical academic behavior that the student should have known. It may result from misunderstanding expectations; inadequate pre-college preparation; or improper citation practices due to cultural differences.
Regardless of intent, academic negligence is a serious matter that identifies a need for further education, for instance on academic honesty and dishonesty or the U.S. standards for use of sources in academic writing. A finding of academic negligence, unlike a finding of academic dishonesty, is not a disciplinary finding of the College and is typically handled solely by the course instructor.
A student should not receive more than one report of academic negligence while at Colby. Multiple reports of academic negligence are generally treated as academic dishonesty, especially when similar in nature.
Upon determining that a student has committed academic negligence, faculty are required to submit a report to the Academic Integrity Coordinator (AIC) and select the appropriate sanction(s). Reports of academic negligence are sent to the student, and the student’s Class Dean and academic advisor(s).
Students who commit academic negligence are required to have an educational conversation with the instructor about the transgression and may be required to successfully complete an instructive module on plagiarism or other educational sanctions deemed appropriate by the instructor. Proof of the completion of sanctions must be provided to the instructor. Students are required to complete the sanctions before the deadline for grade submission or they will receive an administrative incomplete in the course.
The identities of those serving on the Board shall be provided to the reporting instructor and the student, and both will be provided with an opportunity to notify the AIC or Director of any conflicts of interest or bias concerns. The AIC, in consultation with the Director, shall resolve any claims of conflicts or bias.
A member of the Office of the General Counsel may attend any hearings and assist the Coordinator or Board in the administration of the hearing process.
If a case requires adjudication in the period between the end of the spring semester examinations and the start of the subsequent fall semester, the student members of the board may be appointed by the AIC and/or Director from among students living on campus for the summer. If the case cannot be heard, it will be postponed until the following semester.
A student or reporting faculty member may seek “reconsideration” of a decision by submitting a written request to the AIC within 10 calendar days of that student’s receipt of the outcome letter. A reconsideration may only be sought for one of the following reasons:
A reconsideration may not be sought purely because of dissatisfaction with the decision or sanctions. The request for reconsideration should contain all information, evidence, and explanations to support the request. The AIC will review the request, and may consult with the Board and other officials or experts to determine the merit of the request. The AIC will determine, typically within fifteen days of receipt of the request, whether to grant or deny the request. If the request is granted, the original Academic Review Board will review any new evidence/ information, and/or address the claimed error or violation and determine whether the finding and/or sanction would or would not change and why. During the reconsideration process, sanctions will remain in effect unless the AIC decides otherwise.
Sanctioning information
In general, sanctions for Academic Dishonesty range from failure on an assignment, to failure in the course, to suspension or expulsion. Dishonesty on a minor assignment (worth 10% or less of the total course grade) or a small amount of plagiarism (e.g. 1-2 sentences) may result in receiving no credit for the assignment plus an additional grade reduction in the course. Dishonesty on a major project or exam may result in automatically failing the course. Students found responsible for academic dishonesty a second time will likely be suspended, and a third finding of academic dishonesty typically results in expulsion. Lying to the Academic Review Board or to the AIC will generally result in harsher penalties. Sanctions may include an additional educational or restorative justice component. These guidelines are intended to give an idea of the range and type of sanctions; the sanctions applied in any particular case depend heavily on the details of that case.
The Office of Community Values, Conflict Resolution, and Restorative Practice offers a variety of tools to help students build community, navigate conflict, and restore relationships.
Restorative Practice options are available as a way to resolve conflict or repair harm. These options for case resolution provide opportunities to self-reflect on thoughts, feelings, and behaviors; consider impacts on self, others, and the Colby community; and collectively decide what needs to happen to repair harm and or relationships, be accountable, and prevent future harm or conflict.
There are five fundamental questions that guide a Restorative meeting or process. The Five Restorative Questions are:
Process | Process Description | When to Use | Outcome/s |
Restorative Coaching | A voluntary one-to-one conversation between a staff member and the individual involved in the harm/conflict. The conversation is structured using the 5 restorative questions. May be used as a pre-meeting for other restorative processes. | Anytime, any case. | The individual who was involved in the harm/conflict has an opportunity to reflect on the impact of their behavior and to explore how the harm/conflict might be repaired/resolved. The individual is prepared to participate in another restorative practice process. |
Restorative Dialogue | A voluntary facilitated dialogue between two individuals involved in harm or conflict and a facilitator/circle keeper. The conversation is structured using the 5 restorative questions. Requires 1-1 coaching prior to the dialogue. | Used when the participants or the facilitator/circle keeper feels the conversation should involve fewer people. May be used as a stepping stone for a responsive circle with support persons and community members. | Both participants are able to revisit the event, identify feelings, needs, and pathways for repairing harm. Participants, with the support of the facilitator/circle keeper, co-create a repair agreement. |
Responsive Circles | A voluntary, structured, scripted meeting engaging all parties directly involved in harm or conflict, support persons, and affected community members. Responsive Circles address a specific incident of harm, wrongdoing, or conflict and decide how to repair relationships and the harm using the 5 restorative questions. A Closing Circle is held after a period of time to check in on the efforts made on the Reparative Agreement. | Used when support persons feel essential, when an incident has impacted the larger community and there are relationships that need to be repaired. | All participants have the opportunity to revisit or respond to the event, identify feelings, needs, and pathways for repairing harm and relationships. Participants, with the support of the facilitator/circle keeper, co-create a repair agreement. |
What is Conflict?
Interpersonal conflict is a natural outcome of the interactions in a community. When you interact with someone who doesn’t share your opinions, values or goals, conflict can result – especially as students who are sharing spaces with others (i.e. roommates, classmates, or peers in clubs). Also, people have very different expectations and attitudes toward problem-solving.
Conflict isn’t always serious, though. Nor is it always negative. Learning how to recognize and work through interpersonal conflict in productive, healthy ways is an important skill that can help you have better relationships and be a better community member.
What Is Conflict Resolution?
Conflict Resolution is the process by which two or more parties reach a peaceful resolution to a dispute. While we always encourage you to attempt to resolve conflicts on your own, sometimes you may find that it is helpful to use additional resources to help navigate these difficult conversations.
The Office of Community Values, Conflict Resolution, and Restorative Practices offers coaching and mediation services that may be useful for some conflicts between students. Our goal is to either provide you with tools to handle these challenging conversations on your own or help facilitate communication that will work towards identifying ways to resolve your conflict.
Conflict coaching is a one-on-one meeting or series of meetings with a staff member where you will have the opportunity to explore the conflict you’re experiencing and formulate an action plan moving forward. Conflict coaching can also be used to work on developing more effective communication and conflict management skills.
What does conflict coaching look like?
Mediation is a meeting between 2 or more people, facilitated by a staff member who serves as a neutral third party. The mediator’s role is to guide the participants through the mediation process; they do not choose sides, give advice, make suggestions, or otherwise take any position in the process. The purpose of mediation is to assist you in a conversation with the hopes of reaching a mutually satisfactory outcome or agreement.
You can also choose the option to mediate a conflict even when someone has allegedly harmed you in a way that violated the Code of Conduct. If the conflict you describe is not appropriate for mediation, you may be referred to other processes or campus /community resources. If mediation fails, you can request that the incident be addressed through the Code of Conduct, unless you agree to waive this option as part of an agreement with the other party.
Who’s involved?
A mediator will meet with all parties who are at conflict, first individually (or as groups with shared interests) and, when all parties are prepared, together. Parties may have a support person join them during individual meetings but we strongly encourage the eventual mediation meeting/s to involve only the mediator and the parties to the conflict. Participation in the mediation process is voluntary; the Office of Community Values cannot force any person to agree to mediation or attend sessions.
What does mediation look like?
What happens to the information I share during a mediation session?
One of the advantages of mediation is the degree of privacy. Information disclosed to the mediator by the parties during the course of the mediation will not be divulged without cause. Students are required to keep the information shared confidential; not doing so may be considered a Code of Conduct violation.
Mediators will respond to information according to College Policy and/or professional standards. Most records, reports or other documents received or created during mediation are not maintained beyond the conclusion of the mediation process.
Colby College is committed to providing a community and workplace environment that is safe and secure for all students, staff, faculty, and others who participate or are attempting to participate in the College’s academic, co-curricular and employment programs and activities (“education programs and activities”). Colby does not discriminate on the basis of sex (including sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy and related conditions or parental status) and prohibits all sex discrimination in its education programs and activities, as required by Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 and its regulations, and under Maine law (MRSA Title 20-A, Chapter 445).
Under title IX, students are protected from sex discrimination under the federal law referred to as Title IX in the following areas: (1) admission; (2) access to course enrollment; (3) access to facilities; (4) counseling; (5) competitive athletics; (6) graduation requirements; (7) student rules, regulations and benefits; (8) treatment as a married, pregnant and/or parenting student, or pregnancy related conditions; (9) housing, financial aid or health services; and (10) most other benefits and services.
Sex Discrimination, including Sex-Based Harassment, and Interpersonal Violence are prohibited at Colby; they undermine the values and the mission of the College and contradict the College’s Affirmation. It is the responsibility of every member of the Colby community to foster an environment free of Sex Discrimination, Sex-Based Harassment, and Interpersonal Violence. While Colby Employees have mandated responsibilities regarding notification to the Title IX Coordinator, all members of our community are encouraged to take reasonable and prudent action to prevent, stop and report acts of Sex Discrimination, Sex-Based Harassment and Interpersonal Violence.
Colby’s Title IX Sex Discrimination and Maine Interpersonal Violence Policy can be found HERE.
Title IX Coordinator
Emily Schusterbauer
Deputy Title IX Coordinators
Casie Runksmeier (for athletics)
Carol A. Hurney (for faculty)
Cora Clukey (for staff)
Jesse Begin (for staff)
Molly Hodgkins (for Admissions)
In addition to the conduct addressed in this Policy, the College prohibits other acts of Sex Discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual misconduct, which are identified and addressed in the Student Code of Conduct (see the Sexual Misconduct and Sex Discrimination section of the Community Values Violations), the Faculty Handbook, and the Staff Handbook. Individuals who are not sure which policy applies to a particular situation are encouraged to speak with the Title IX Coordinator, a Deputy Title IX Coordinator or a Confidential Resource.
By accepting membership in the Colby community, students agree to conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with the values expressed in the Colby Affirmation, the Vision for the Colby Community, and other statements of principle.
The College addresses policy violations and student accountability issues on a case-by-case basis in light of the circumstances of the particular case, while bearing in mind the importance of treating students equitably and sustaining consistent expectations.
The Student Code of Conduct (“Code”) is published in the Handbook, which is reviewed and updated from time to time, as needed. The online version of the Student Handbook will always be the most current, and should be reviewed for the latest updates. If an incident occurred while a previous version of the Handbook was in effect, the prohibited conduct as defined in the previous version will be applied. However, the procedures, outcomes and sanctions in the Handbook in effect at the time the Respondent is notified of an alleged violation/s will govern all other aspects of the resolution process, unless otherwise required by law.
This Code of Conduct applies:
Respondents have the right:
Responsibilities of the Director of the Office of Community Values: As the primary case administrator, the Director of the Office of Community Values has the responsibility for assessing and investigating alleged violations of the Code and administering and interpreting resolution processes, in consultation as necessary with senior staff in the Dean of the College division, and others involved with the particular student(s), such as the Class Dean, Academic Advisor, coaches, etc. The Director is responsible for ensuring that the Office of Community Values matters are handled fairly and without unnecessary delay. The Director may designate other College professionals to assist with conduct matters, including serving as case administrators, and may coordinate with external professionals hired by the College.
Notifications: The College may notify a student’s parents/legal guardians about certain matters:
Except in emergencies, the College will endeavor to notify and consult with the student prior to notifying that student’s parents/legal guardians. Because of the consequences that may arise from such situations, students are deemed to have consented to these notifications, unless they notify the College to the contrary. Additionally, students are strongly encouraged to discuss disciplinary issues and/or other problems they are having with their parents/legal guardians on their own.
Students should also know that alleged and resolved violations of College policies, and the outcomes thereof, may be routinely shared with the student’s Class Dean, Academic Advisor, coaches, the Dean of the College and the Dean of Students Office, Health and/or Counseling staff, Residential Experience, and other College staff and faculty who may provide services and/or support to the student as deemed appropriate, or who have a legitimate educational interest to know the information. The College will typically notify a student’s athletic coach and Class Dean about Community Values matters as these employees often have existing relationships with students which enhance support and growth for the student.
Disciplinary Records: The Office of Community Values is responsible for maintaining appropriate records and materials involving all disciplinary cases. These records may be used by other Conduct Boards to assist in imposing sanctions in a consistent manner. Students should be aware that except as otherwise required by law, the College generally maintains records of formal disciplinary actions (including academic dishonesty) for a period of six (6) years after graduation or date of last attendance, with the exception of Title IX records, which are retained for seven (7) years from the resolution of the incident or six (6) years after graduation or date of last attendance, whichever is later. Disciplinary actions by the College are not noted on student transcripts, but are contained in records maintained by the Dean of Students Office. Students should be aware that certain off-campus programs, graduate schools, employers and other institutions may require the disclosure of Disciplinary Records. For students without disciplinary violations, the College will disclose that information upon request. For students with disciplinary violations, the College will only disclose that information upon specific, written consent signed by the student. For purposes of this policy, a consent form that does not specifically address the release of disciplinary information does not constitute consent. Students with questions about their education records are encouraged to consult with their Class Dean.
Law Enforcement, Action in the Courts and at Colby: The College expects all students to comply with federal, state and local laws. While the conduct covered by laws and those covered by Colby’s policies and rules may overlap, it is important to note that the laws and Colby’s policies and rules operate independently, and do not substitute for each other. Colby may pursue enforcement of its own policies and rules whether or not legal proceedings are underway, and may use information from third-party sources, such as law enforcement agencies and the courts, to determine whether College policies and rules have been violated. Conversely, the College generally makes no attempt to shield members of the Colby community from the law, nor does it generally intervene in legal proceedings involving a member of the Colby community. Membership in the Colby community does not exempt anyone from federal, state or local laws but imposes the additional obligation to abide by all of Colby’s policies and rules. The College may, at its discretion, involve and cooperate with law enforcement in incidents involving Colby students, particularly when involving law enforcement is deemed necessary for overall campus safety and security.
Students who are arrested or charged with civil or criminal violations are responsible for obtaining their own legal counsel.
Violations are behaviors which conflict with the expectations of the community as expressed through this Code. They are activities or actions which directly impact the College and/or members of the College community.
The following list of behaviors is intended to provide students with information about the types of behavior that might result in the initiation of a Resolution Process and result in outcomes or sanctions. This list is not intended to be all-inclusive, and students should be aware that other behaviors or multiple violations may result in suspension or expulsion.
Examples of hazing activities by individuals, groups or organizations in connection with recruiting, initiating and/or membership activities may include but are not limited to the following:
Each student organization affiliated with the College is required to adopt a hazing policy as part of its bylaws/governing documents. This requirement is overseen by the Director of Student Engagement and Leadership Development and the Director of Athletics. Violations of this policy by students can result in sanctions up to and including expulsion. Violations by a College employee can result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. Violations by an organization affiliated with the College will result in disbandment. Violations may also be referred to law enforcement and result in civil and/or criminal penalties.
Sexual Misconduct and Sex Discrimination – The College strictly prohibits sex-based discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, intimate partner/dating violence, stalking and other acts of interpersonal violence as defined by Title IX and the Maine Higher Education Interpersonal Violence Law. Sexual Misconduct that meets the definitions of Sexual Harassment under the College’s Title IX Sexual Harassment and Interpersonal Violence Policy will be addressed under that Policy.
Conduct which occurs as an act of protest will be evaluated with reference to the Code of Conduct and the Framework for the Right to Protest.
Students are strongly encouraged to come forward to accept responsibility for their actions and to report violations of the Code. When students accept responsibility for their actions, this will be considered a mitigating factor in determining appropriate sanctions. Reports can be made to the Campus Security Department or the Office of Community Values, Conflict Resolution, and Restorative Practice.
The resolution of alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and other College Policies is the duty of the Director of Office of Community Values as the primary case administrator. In the absence of the Director, or when deemed appropriate to ensure a fair and thorough process, the Dean of Students will designate these duties to another member of the Dean of the College Division or an external party to serve as the case administrator.
The Preponderance of the Evidence standard is used in all adjudicative processes at the College. This standard of review evaluates whether the potential violation is more likely than not to have occurred.
Sanctions may include, but are not limited to the following:
Appeals in Organization Conduct Cases: The process of and the grounds for an appeal from a decision involving organization conduct is identical to the process for an appeal in the individual student Administrative Resolution Process.
A Respondent found responsible for a violation of the Code may appeal a finding in the Administrative Resolution Process or the finding of a hearing panel in the Conduct Board Process to the Dean of the College within ten days of the student’s receipt of the written finding of responsibility and sanctioning decisions. Respondents who accept responsibility for a violation/s may not appeal the findings. Complainants may also appeal such findings and decisions.
Decisions may not be appealed solely on the basis of dissatisfaction with the decision or sanctions imposed.
The Director of the Office of Community Values and other College officials have the discretion to impose interim measures upon notice of allegations of student misconduct in order to protect the health and safety of the College community. Any interim measures imposed will depend upon the circumstances of the particular case. Students are expected to cooperate with the Director of the Office of Community Values or other College officials in providing information to assist in the determination of the appropriate measures. The final decision as to whether particular restrictions or measures are reasonable or necessary is made by the Director of the Office of Community Values. Interim measures may be issued on a short-term or long-term basis, depending on the particular circumstances, and may be discontinued as determined by the Director of the Office of Community Values.
While interim measures do not constitute discipline and will not appear in a student’s disciplinary record, refusal or failure to adhere to these measures after written or oral notification of the terms is prohibited and may result in disciplinary sanctions.
Interim measures may include:
Students may appeal interim measures to the Dean of the College within ten (10) days of notice of the measures. Appeals must be in writing and must provide detailed information about why such measures are improper, unreasonable or unnecessarily burdensome. The Dean will issue a written decision regarding the appeal as soon as practicable. While an appeal is under consideration, the interim measures will remain in full force and effect unless otherwise determined by the Dean.
The College has the discretion to issue No-Contact directives between students where such directives may assist one or more affected students to participate in the College’s education programs and activities.
No-Contact Directives
The College will typically issue No-Contact Directives, based on the purpose of such directives as set forth above, when it
No-contact directives may be appealed following the appeal process for Interim Measures when they are issued as interim measures or to prevent future interpersonal conflict.
The following sanctions described below may generally be applied to address violations of the Code. In determining the appropriate sanction, a number of factors may be considered, including but not necessarily limited to the following:
The following are customary sanctions that may be imposed on students, either singly or in combination. This list does not preclude the assigning of other forms of sanction.
The College reserves the right to suspend or expel from the College, reassign or remove a student from housing, any student whose presence the College deems to be detrimental to the general welfare of the College community or other students who have been impacted by a student’s misconduct. As a general rule, there is no refund of room, board, or tuition for students who are removed from housing, suspended, expelled or withdrawn from the College pending, or as a result of, disciplinary action.
Fines are used at Colby as a deterrent; they are a means to highlight that Colby believes that certain behaviors place the community at unacceptable levels of risk.
Fines are assessed per infraction. Students should be aware that these fines may be accompanied by charges and restitution for damage and labor costs, as well as disciplinary action and possible housing consequences based on a student’s disciplinary history and other relevant factors. Fines are charged to each student involved in a violation. These tables provide information for students about the fines assessed for various types of violations. Fines may be reduced at the discretion of the case administrator based on a student’s financial circumstances.
Safety Violations:
Students should be aware that multiple incidents or incidents that involve significant infractions may lead to sanctions beyond those listed in the chart below, including expulsion.
Prohibited Behavior | Fine |
Fire Safety | |
Tampering with, activating, pulling, discharging and/or covering any fire safety device (e.g. smoke detector, fire extinguisher, exit signs) | $500 |
Possession of halogen lights, candles or any device emitting an open flame, string lights, or other unauthorized equipment and items in room). | $500 |
Possession or use of firecrackers, fireworks, explosives, explosive devices, or hazardous items | $500 |
Unauthorized fire | $500 |
Use of tobacco products and/or smoking any substance in residence hall | $200 |
Campus Safety | |
Discharging of a firearm | $1,000 |
Unauthorized possession of a firearm | $1,000 |
Accessing unauthorized or prohibited areas of campus (e.g. rooftops; courtyards, and atriums; construction sites, flag pole) | $500 |
Propping doors open; Tampering with or destroying exit signs, automatic door closure mechanisms, door/window locks/fasteners, other safety devices, or electrical fixtures, etc. | $500, plus restitution |
Duplication or unauthorized use of any key(s) or student ID to gain entry | $500 |
Being in or on Johnson Pond (unauthorized) | $500 |
Operation of motor vehicle in unauthorized areas of campus | $300 |
Climbing wall violation, which endangers others | $100, escalating by $50 for each violation |
Violation of service and assistance animal policies | $50, escalating by $25 for each violation |
Residence Hall Fines | |
Tampering with elevators | $500 |
Leaving furniture or personal items in hallway | $50 |
Window policy violation | $50 per window |
Unauthorized animal | $100 plus $25 per day of violation |
Occupation of room before or after authorized use including for authorized occupant who allowed others to occupy room. | $200 per day |
Bodily fluid cleanup | $100 per cleanup |
Changing rooms without authorization | $500 |
Removing College furniture from room or moving College furniture to room without authorization | $100 moving cost min |
Failure to vacate the residence hall at designated time | $200/day |
Obstructing hallways or exits | $50 |
The following general College policies and procedures are intended to inform students about requirements for important aspects of living and learning in the Colby Community and provide standards for living and learning in a community. Any questions about these policies and their interpretation may be directed to the Dean of Students Office.
Access Policy: All campus organizations and College-sponsored events are open to all members of the Colby community in accordance with the College’s prohibition of discrimination. Exceptions to this policy may be granted, for compelling reasons, by mutual agreement of the Dean of Faculty and the Academic Affairs Committee; or, in the case of student-sponsored events, by mutual agreement of the Dean of Faculty, the Dean of the College, and the College Affairs Committee. All campus facilities are designated for the use of Colby students, faculty, staff and others authorized by the Director of Security and/or the individual facility’s director.
However, except for residence halls, most College facilities are generally open during the day and evening hours when classes are in session. The general public may attend specific cultural, educational and athletic events, but public access to campus facilities is limited to the facility or area where the event is being held. During periods when the College is officially closed, all College buildings are secured and inaccessible.
Assistance and Service Animals: Colby College has a detailed policy on assistance and service animals on campus. Students are required to comply with all policy requirements, and should be aware that policy violations can result in disciplinary action, fines and/or removal of the animal from campus. You can find the full policy here.
Campus Events: The Office of Campus Events maintains the official College calendar of events and is responsible for scheduling and regulating most events on campus. Policies for specific venues may vary.
Guidelines for the service of alcohol on campus or at campus events are the responsibility of the particular facility or event director. The Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs must be notified if alcohol service will take place in an academic building.
Failure by individuals and/or organizations to comply with any event regulations may result in denial of future opportunities to hold events, and sanctions.
ColbyCard: Students are expected to carry their ColbyCard at all times. Students are required to display or surrender the card upon legitimate demand by a faculty member, administrator, Security officer or residence hall staff in order to establish identification. Failure to comply with such a request or reporting a false identity are serious offenses that will result in disciplinary action. Students are not allowed to tamper with their ColbyCard; loan their ColbyCard to others or use the Card for any unauthorized purposes. Any such misuse of the ColbyCard shall result in a fine and disciplinary action. Students should be aware that possession of any false identification card (including driver’s licenses) is a violation of state law and College policy, and will result in disciplinary action. False identification cards will be confiscated by Security, and law enforcement in the appropriate jurisdiction may also be notified.
Firearms and Other Weapons: The College seeks to maintain a safe and secure environment in which to conduct educational, research, and service activities. This policy is a proactive step towards reducing the risk of injury or death associated with weapons. Except as set forth in this policy, the possession of weapons on campus is strictly prohibited.
For purposes of this policy, the term “weapon” shall include any object that can reasonably be considered a weapon or a facsimile of a weapon. Many objects are designed as and are commonly understood to be weapons. Examples include but are not limited to firearms and ammunition; spring or CO2-powered projectile guns; starter pistols; martial arts weapons; knives; swords; metal knuckles; bludgeons or clubs; slingshots; archery equipment; tear gas; and grenades or other explosive/incendiary devices.
Additionally, the College recognizes that many common objects and tools designed for uses other than as a weapon may be used or may be modified for use as a weapon. In considering whether a particular common object or tool is considered to be a weapon under this policy, College officials will consider the time, place, how the object is being used, and other circumstances surrounding the possession of the object including the explanation for its possession and whether the object has been modified or otherwise altered to make a more effective weapon in making their determination.
Shotguns and high-caliber rifles used specifically for sporting purposes (with a valid Maine hunting license only) during Maine’s hunting season must be registered and stored under Campus Security Department’s supervision in Roberts Union. Please refer to the following link for the Procedure for authorized secure firearm storage. No concealed weapons are allowed on campus.
Hunting on Colby property is forbidden, as the entire campus is designated a state game preserve. Students should also be aware that it is illegal to discharge a firearm anywhere within City of Waterville limits. Any weapon or object on campus in violation of this policy will be confiscated and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion.
Greek Life Activity: The Colby Board of Trustees voted in January 1984 to abolish fraternities and sororities because they were inconsistent with so many of the fundamental values described in this Handbook. These organizations typically have most or all of the following features: (1) Exclusive and secret membership, typically but not always involving a single sex, (2) activities conducted in secret, (3) secret recruiting and issuance of invitations in order to become a member, (4) initiations or other rituals including possible hazing activities, (5) Greek letters to identify the organization, and (6) the organization is not recognized by the College. Anyone engaging in these activities, on or off campus, either as a member, recruiter or pledge, shall be subject to sanction.
Hazing: Hazing is prohibited even if a student who is the subject of hazing consents or is a willing participant. Colby’s definition of hazing also includes any action taken or situation created, whether on or off campus, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule of a student or students.
Hazing is illegal under Maine law (20-A M.R.S.A. Section 10004). The law defines hazing as “any action or situation, including harassing behavior, which recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health of a student enrolled at an institution in this State or any activity expected of a student as a condition of joining or maintaining membership in a group that humiliates, degrades, abuses or endangers the student, regardless of the student’s willingness to participate in the activity” committed by any student, administrator, faculty member or organization affiliated with the institution. See the Student Code of Conduct in this Handbook for additional information and descriptions of hazing conduct.
Each student organization affiliated with the College must adopt the hazing policy as part of its bylaws or other governing documents. This requirement will be overseen by the Director of Campus Life; the Director of Athletics will ensure compliance with this policy by athletic teams.
Any student who violates this policy is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion. Any administrator or faculty member who violates this policy is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Any organization affiliated with the College that violates this policy will be disbanded. In addition, violations may result in civil and/or criminal penalties.
Open Fire Policy: please refer to the Open Fires Policy on the Special Programs website: Open Fires Policy.
Political Activity: Please refer to the College’s Political Activities Policy.
Student Businesses: Students who wish to operate a business on campus must seek approval as a “student entrepreneur.” Approval allows a student to conduct business on campus under a written agreement with the Director of Community Living and the director of risk management, who administer all agreements. All requests will be reviewed to ensure the following:
The written agreement outlines the terms and conditions under which the student entrepreneur may operate on campus as well as any specific privileges granted by the College. Typically agreements are limited to specified business operations; do not last beyond the current academic year; are not transferable; can be terminated for failure to comply; and are not considered confidential.
Student Athletes with, or who are considering, a Name-Image-Likeness contract must consult Colby Athletics in this regard. Please refer to the College’s Name-Image-Likeness Activity Policy
Students found to be conducting businesses on campus without approval are subject to disciplinary action and may be barred from operating a business on campus in the future.
Solicitations: The College does not allow solicitors, including students, to operate on campus without the written consent of the director of Campus Life. If students receive solicitations from other students, outside businesses or recruiters, they are strongly encouraged to check with the director to see whether the person has received appropriate approval.
Tailgate Events: Please refer to the Colby Athletics website for the most current policy.
Tobacco and Smoke-Free Campus: Colby strictly prohibits the use of tobacco or smoking of any kind (including “vaping” and use of electronic nicotine delivery systems) for all students, faculty, staff, visitors, vendors and contractors. This prohibition applies to: (1) all College property, wherever it is located; (2) all College buildings, including residence halls, academic buildings and athletic facilities; (3) all College-owned, leased or rented vehicles; and (4) all College-sponsored events and activities. Students who are interested in quitting smoking may contact the staff at the Garrison-Foster Health Center for support and resources.
Vandalism and Damage: Vandalism and reckless damage to facilities and property are very serious concerns for the College and the well-being of our community. Students who commit vandalism or damage property are strongly encouraged to come forward to accept responsibility for their actions; doing so will be considered as a mitigating factor in assessing appropriate sanctions. Students and others who witness vandalism or damage are also strongly encouraged to come forward. Students found responsible for vandalism will be required to make full restitution for the damage.
Chalking Policy: On occasion, student organizations or individual(s) may seek to promote public awareness on issues and concerns by “chalking” various areas of the campus grounds. Chalking may be done on walkways or roads (not steps or buildings) provided the following guidelines are followed:
Free Expression: The right of free expression—which does not include a right to harass, intimidate, injure, or silence others—is essential in an academic community and will be vigorously protected. Infringing upon the expression of views, either by interfering with a speaker, or by defacing or removing properly posted or distributed notices or materials, will not be tolerated. Because unattributed (anonymous) postings preclude dialogue on content, materials such as posters, banners and advertisements should, but are not required to, include the identity of the creators and/or sponsors. The College may impose sanctions if there is interference with the free, open, civil exchange of ideas and views, including harassment or intimidation.
Statement of Principles on Freedom of Inquiry and Expression
Framework for the Right to Protest
Personal Social Media Appropriate Use Policy and Guidelines: Social media is a valuable tool as part of a student’s educational experience at Colby. Used well, social media can be a tool in the cause of academic freedom, in more deeply exploring a student’s interest in their chosen fields of knowledge Social media creates opportunities for dialogue around one’s academics and life in the Colby community that never existed before
But social media can also be used in harmful ways. We expect all members of our community to behave in a proper and responsible manner on social media.
Please use caution in what you disclose about yourself on social media sites. The information on these sites can be used to harass or victimize students. Once the information is out—it can’t always be retrieved since the pages are printed or cached. Employers are increasingly conducting Web searches on job candidates before extending offers. Be sure that what you post today will not come back to haunt you.
Your social media activity is expected to align with values expressed in the Colby Affirmation, the Vision for the Colby Community, and other statements of principle, and is subject to the Colby Code of Conduct. If certain malicious, illegal, or inappropriate activities are identified, we are obligated to investigate and act, including cooperating with legal authorities, if necessary. You are legally liable for what you post on your own site and on the sites of others. Individuals have been held liable under civil law for commentary deemed to be proprietary, copyrighted, defamatory, libelous or obscene (as defined by the courts). Inappropriate actions using computers can involve violation of the law, with resulting prosecution and criminal penalties.
Making threats against others or defaming them carries the same consequences, including action by the College, as such behavior would if it occurred through other means of communication or interaction. Theft, plagiarism, “breaking and entering,” fraud, invasions of privacy, harassment, or distribution of illegal material are just as serious when committed with a computer as by any other means.
Be good digital citizens and do not use the ease of transmission and/or anonymity of electronic communication to harm other students or employees. Conduct that falls short of a violation of the Code of Conduct may be addressed through other means, including mandatory facilitated dialogs, education and training, remedial and supportive actions, and other Informal Resolution mechanisms.
All employees of Colby are subject to FERPA, HIPAA, and other laws mandating the nondisclosure of personal information. Adhere to all applicable College, federal and NCAA privacy and confidentiality policies. Be careful not to reveal confidential or proprietary information about Colby students, employees or alumni.
Posting, Display, and Distribution of Materials Policy: Posting, display, and/or distribution of flyers, posters, notices, religious symbols and other materials is permitted within and on the doors of individual offices and student rooms, provided that they are agreed to by all of the occupants of the particular space and do not violate other College policies.
All other spaces on the campus are considered open to the Colby community; therefore posting, display or distribution of materials in such areas must be restricted to bulletin boards and special display areas designated from time to time by the College, or have specific authorization from the appropriate administrative supervisor. Encampments and construction or establishment of other physical structures, temporary or permanent, on campus property are considered a form of display.
The College will remove all posters from all authorized and designated posting areas, except those in academic buildings, before the start of each semester. The College reserves the authority to remove any materials that violate this or other College policies.
Marketing and Promotions Banners: Banners may only be displayed in select locations on campus with prior approval from the Office of Campus Life.
Use of Colby’s Brand: The Colby name and various logotypes are federally registered service marks, and with the exception of specific student publications approved by the College and the Student Government Association, the College exercises editorial control in the matter of content, taste, and style of its own publications, advertisements, and other products.
Protections, including the right to delete or remove unauthorized content, extends to the use of Colby College service marks on all other materials, commercial goods, clothing and apparel, posters, and other advertising produced by others.
The Colby community, including students, faculty, staff, trustees, overseers, and alumni, is committed to maintaining an academic and residential environment that supports personal growth and learning; assures individual rights and the well-being and dignity of others; promotes health, understanding, and respect; and fosters the opportunity to make lasting friendships. As part of such a healthy and respectful community, Colby, in consultation with those in our community, has developed a set of policies and rules pertaining to alcohol and drugs. These policies recognize the College has an obligation to comply with applicable federal and state laws and regulations concerning the use of alcohol and drugs. Beyond that obligation, these policies outline behaviors related to alcohol and drugs that Colby considers to be against the mission and values of the College. Alcohol and drug violations may result in outcomes or sanctions up to and including expulsion, as well as possible referral for substance use counseling and/or other educational/developmental programs or meetings, or Restorative Practices processes. It is important that you read this statement and understand the Community Values Violations listed in the Student Code of Conduct in their entirety to fully understand how they affect you and your place in our community.
Getting Help: Assistance is available at the Garrison-Foster Health Center. The College has designated Katie Barlow, Associate Director of Counseling Services ([email protected]) to assist students in dealing with substance use issues. Katie can be reached at 207-859-4490.
In addition, students may obtain more information about substance use issues from the federal government’s Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration website and 24-hour help line:; 1-800-662-4357.
Alleged violations of the codes of conduct relating to alcohol and drugs will result in a disciplinary process. Adjudicated violations of drug and alcohol policies may lead to any sanction as described in the Code of Conduct for students, or the Staff or Faculty Handbooks.
Policy Purpose: A Medical Amnesty Policy fosters responsible decision making, reduces barriers to calling for help, and encourages students to take active steps in maintaining the health and safety of the community in a situation involving an alcohol and/or drug related medical emergency. Colby encourages all students and hosting organizations to call for help as quickly as possible when medical attention is necessary. Medical Amnesty only applies to alcohol and drugs use policy violations and sanctions under the Student Code of Conduct.
Signs of a medical emergency can be remembered by the acronym “PUBS!” and include:
Unresponsive to pinching
Breathing, when irregular, loud or involves snoring
Skin, cold or blue; in a darker skinned person, lips and nailbeds will be pale
! If even only one of these signs is present, call Colby Emergency Response at 207-859-5911
Policy Application: In a situation where students or members of an organization seek medical attention for an alcohol or drug related medical emergency, Colby will treat the intoxicated students’ use of alcohol or drugs as a health and safety matter, not a disciplinary incident. Students who called for help and students who supported calling for help are also eligible for Medical Amnesty under this policy. Amnesty does not necessarily apply to everyone involved in a situation or attending an event. Any student involved in the situation for whom there is some evidence of a violation of the Student Code of Conduct will be required to meet with the Office of Community Values to discuss the incident. Students will be informed at the meeting whether they are eligible for amnesty. If the student does not qualify for amnesty, the alleged violations will be addressed through a Resolution Process.
Referrals and Notice: When the student who required medical attention is allowed amnesty from disciplinary action for an alcohol or drug violation, they will be referred to Counseling Services for a consultation, which is a confidential discussion of the incident and its contributing factors. This referral is a supportive measure not a disciplinary action. There will be no disciplinary findings for the alcohol or drug use. Failure to attend the consultation meeting may result in an alleged violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
In an effort to provide supportive follow up care, the Office of Community Values will also notify the Class Dean of the student who needed medical attention and, if applicable, the coach of the student who needed medical attention if they are a student athlete.
Policy Limitations:
Alcohol and drug misuse is a national health concern. Alcohol is a chemical. So are drugs. Any chemical is potentially harmful to someone. Some of the health risks associated with alcohol and drugs are listed on the pages that follow. For additional information about health risks associated with substance abuse, a listing of risks is provided below.
Alcohol and Sedative Medications, including Xanax, that is not taken as prescribed and monitored by a medical provider
Cocaine and Stimulant Medications, including Adderall and Ritalin, that are not taken as prescribed and monitored by a medical provider
Heroin and Opioid Medications, including Fentanyl, hydrocodone and oxycodone, that are not taken as prescribed and monitored by a medical provider
LSD, PCP and Hallucinogenic Mushrooms
Cannabis, including smoked and edible varieties
While the College seeks to address violations of the Community Values in an educational, developmental and restorative manner, students who violate serious drug and alcohol laws may be referred to law enforcement authorities and risk significant criminal and civil penalties.
Students attending Colby on visas may jeopardize their status for drug offenses.
Students who are convicted of drug offenses may lose eligibility for federal financial aid.
Driving Under the Influence: Maine has very strict laws about operating under the influence (OUI). Colby encourages students to take responsibility for themselves and fellow students and not to allow any student to drive after they have been drinking or using any mind-altering substances. Security officers will do everything possible, short of physical restraint, to prevent a person under the influence from driving. If all efforts fail and the person is determined to drive, local law enforcement will be notified so an arrest can be made.
Students arrested for an OUI during the academic year, or while working at Colby during the summer months, regardless of the location of the arrest, face outcomes or sanctions that include possible suspension from the College for a period of time (depending on the circumstances, disciplinary history, and the timing of the arrest during the year); an alcohol-education program and/or substance use counseling; and parent/guardian notification.
Students should be aware that it is illegal to have an open container of alcohol in a vehicle. It is also illegal for minors under 21 to transport alcohol in a vehicle unless it is in the course of the minor’s employment.
Cannabis and Cannabis Extracts: Although Maine law permits the use of recreational and medical marijuana under certain conditions, federal law prohibits all use, possession, and/or cultivation of marijuana at U.S. educational institutions. Federal law also requires any institution of higher education which receives federal funding to have policies in place which prohibit possession and use of marijuana on campus. Therefore, the use, possession, and/or cultivation of marijuana for medical purposes is not allowed on the Colby campus, in Colby vehicles and facilities, or at Colby events.
Note: CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a compound that comes from the non-psychoactive portion of a cannabis plant. CBD is not a controlled substance under federal law, and its use is legal in Maine. However, before using CBD in any form, you are strongly encouraged to fully understand its health effects and if you use it, consider whether you should do so under supervision. Some individuals experience side effects from CBD use. Likewise, because there is no regulation of CBD, you should also ensure your CBD is third-party tested. Some can contain small amounts of THC – the psychoactive compound in cannabis – or other ingredients. Dosages can vary widely from the stated dosage on the container.
Colby does not prohibit the use of CBD unless it is combined with some other violation such as vaping. Unlike cannabis, CBD is not prohibited by the NCAA. However, if you use CBD and it contains small amounts of THC, the THC could show up in a drug test and adversely affect your eligibility.
Federal and State Policies
Because Congress and the Maine legislature amend federal and state laws from time to time, students are urged to conduct their own research or consult an attorney for the latest information on the state of these laws and regulations.
Drug-Free Workplace Act: In November of 1988, the United States Congress enacted the Anti-Drug Abuse Act which contains a section called the “Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988”. This section requires organizations receiving federal grants and contracts to insure that their workplaces are free from illegal use, possession, manufacture or distribution of controlled substances. The law requires employers who receive federal funds to: (1) notify employees that drug abuse is prohibited in the workplace; (2) establish a drug-free awareness program; and (3) require each employee to notify the College of any criminal conviction for violations occurring in the workplace, and impose sanctions or remedial actions for convicted employees.
This law also requires individuals who receive federal funds to certify to the contracting or granting agency that, as a condition of the grant, the individual will not engage in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance in conducting any activity under the grant. This requirement also applies to students who are recipients of Pell Grants. By signing the certification required for eligibility under the Pell Grant Program, a student is agreeing not to engage in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance during the period covered by the student’s Pell Grant at all times. A Pell Grant recipient convicted of a criminal drug offense must report the conviction, in writing, within ten calendar days of the conviction to the Director, Grants and Contracts Service, U.S. Department of Education.
Any employee convicted of any workplace-related criminal drug violation must notify the appropriate College official within five calendar days after conviction. Faculty should contact the Dean of Faculty and staff should contact the Director of Human Resources. Failure to report a conviction may be grounds for termination of employment.
Violations of the Drug-Free Workplace Act may result in: (1) disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment; (2) suspension of payments under the grant; (3) suspension or termination of the grant; and (4) suspension or debarment of the grantee.
Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act: The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 require Colby to certify that it has adopted and implemented a program to prevent the illicit use of drugs and the abuse of alcohol by its students and employees. This program must include the annual distribution of the following to each student and employee:
The Act requires Colby to review program effectiveness on a periodic basis.
Substance Abuse Policy: Students, faculty, and staff are responsible individuals and thus expected to obey the law and take personal responsibility for their conduct. Colby recognizes that substance abuse is a complex problem that is not easily resolved solely by personal effort and may require professional assistance and/or treatment. Accordingly, the College has designated a number of individuals to assist students, faculty, and staff who seek referral for assistance with a substance abuse problem. Students, faculty, and staff with substance abuse problems are encouraged to take advantage of available diagnostic, referral, counseling, and prevention services. However, those seeking assistance will not be granted special privileges or exemptions from standard human resources practices applicable to job performance requirements and from standard academic and student conduct requirements.
Colby will not excuse acts of misconduct committed by students, faculty, and staff whose judgment is impaired due to substance abuse.
Disciplinary Sanctions: Students, faculty and staff who violate Colby policy will be subject to disciplinary action by the College as set forth in the relevant Handbook.
Maine Law on Alcohol
Furnishing Liquor to a Minor or a Visibly Intoxicated Person: Maine law makes it a crime for any person to knowingly give liquor to a minor or a visibly intoxicated person or to allow any minor under that person’s control or in any place under that person’s control to consume liquor. Violation of this law can result in a minimum fine of $500 and up to six months in jail.
Illegal Sale of Liquor: It is a crime to sell liquor without having a liquor license issued by the Maine Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages. Violation of this law can result in fines of $500 plus 30 days in jail for the first Offense. Subsequent offenses are punished by greater fines and jail time.
Illegal Possession with Intent to Sell: Any person who possesses liquor with the intent to sell it is in violation of Maine liquor laws and subject to a fine of between $100 and $500, and possible incarceration from two to six months.
Seizure and Forfeiture of Vehicle: Any vehicle used to transfer liquor intended for illegal sale may be impounded at the time of the violation or seized following the violation.
Special Liquor Laws Relating to Minors Illegal Possession of Liquor: Any minor (a person under the age of 21 years) who is found to be in possession or control of alcohol is guilty of a civil infraction and shall be subject to a fine of: (1) 1st offense, $200 to $400; (2) 2nd offense, $300 to $600; and (3) 3rd and subsequent offenses, $600.
Teen Drinking Laws: Maine has a zero-tolerance law regarding operating under the influence by minors. An individual under the age of 21 years shall have that individual’s license suspended for one year if he/she operates a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration of .00, Any motor vehicle operator under 21 who operates or attempts to operate a motor vehicle with any alcohol in their blood shall have their license suspended by the Secretary of state for one year. If they have a passenger under 21, an additional 180 day suspension will be imposed. Refusal to be tested will result in suspension of their operator’s license for at least 18 months.Minors who test .08% or more will be prosecuted for the criminal offense of OUI.
One can of beer, one glass of wine or one ounce of distilled spirits can result in a blood alcohol level of .02 or more.
Illegal Transportation: No minor shall transport alcohol in a motor vehicle except in the scope of the person’s employment or with the parent’s knowledge or consent. The penalty is a 30-day driver’s license suspension. A reinstatement fee will be charged to get a license reinstated. Points will be assessed against the offender’s license. A fine of $500 may be imposed.
Operating Under the Influence: Maine law prohibits drinking while operating a motor vehicle. Any person who violates this law commits a civil violation for which a maximum fine of $500 may be imposed. Maine motor vehicle law makes it a crime for any person to operate a motor vehicle in Maine under the influence of alcohol or drugs or with an excessive blood alcohol level. Penalties for operating under the influence are as follows: (1) 1st Conviction: If your blood-alcohol content is .08 to .14 percent a fine of at least $500 and loss of license for at least 150 days. Refusal to be tested results in a loss of license for 180 days; (2) If your blood-alcohol content is .15 percent or more, or you are traveling 30 m.p.h. or more over the speed limit, or you attempt to elude an officer of the law, a fine of at least $500, at least 48 hours in jail, and loss of license for at least 150 days. Penalties for second and subsequent convictions include greater fines and mandatory jail time. The law requires an additional 275 day suspension be imposed by the court or the Secretary of State if transporting a passenger under 21. Refusal to be tested results in a loss of license for at least 275 days which is consecutive to any suspension imposed for an OUI conviction.
Vehicle Seizure or Forfeiture: A person operating under the influence while under suspension for a previous OUI or refusal, is subject to vehicle seizure and forfeiture.
Maine Liquor Liability Act: The Maine Liquor Liability Act serves to prevent alcohol related injuries, deaths and other damages among Maine’s population. This law makes one liable civilly for the negligent or reckless service of alcohol to a minor or to a person who is visibly intoxicated. Monetary damages may be awarded for the negligent or reckless serving of alcohol, which causes property damage, bodily injury or death. State Drug Offenses: Maine law prohibits the knowing, intentional and unauthorized possession, furnishing (distributing or giving away) and trafficking (selling) of scheduled drugs. Scheduled drugs include, for example, cocaine, marijuana, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), heroin, and steroids.
Furnish Drugs: To furnish drugs is to give the drugs to another, dispense it, administer, or transfer it to another regardless of profit.
Trafficking: Trafficking is to sell, barter, trade, exchange or furnish an illegal drug for consideration.
Aggravated Trafficking: Aggravated Trafficking in an illegal drug can be “aggravated” if the crime of “trafficking” is committed with facts that include the following “aggravating factors”:
(1) trafficking while within 1,000 feet of an elementary or secondary school, regardless of whether the sale took place in a private home or whether the school was in session; (2) trafficking while on a school bus; (3) trafficking involves a minor (under 18 years of age);
(4) trafficking in 112 grams (approximately 4 ounces) or more of cocaine; and (5) trafficking involves a firearm. Aggravated trafficking is a crime one class more serious than trafficking and consequently carries longer terms of imprisonment and greater fines.
Federal Drug Offenses: The criminal offenses most commonly charged under the Federal Controlled Substances Act are the knowing, intentional, and unauthorized manufacture, distribution, or dispensing of any controlled substance or the possession of any controlled substance with the intent to manufacture, distribute or dispense. Federal law also prohibits the knowing, intentional, and unauthorized creation, distribution, dispensing, or possession with intent to distribute or dispense a “counterfeit substance.” Simple possession without necessarily an intent to distribute is also forbidden by federal law and carries a penalty of imprisonment. Furthermore, “attempts” and/or conspiracies to distribute or possess with intent to distribute controlled substances are crimes under federal law. Federal law prohibits certain specific drug crimes which carry greater penalties, including the: (1) distribution of narcotics to persons under 21 years of age; (2) distribution or manufacturing of narcotics near schools and colleges; (3) employment of juveniles under the age of 18 in drug trafficking operations; and (4) distribution of controlled substances to pregnant women.
Federal Penalties: The penalties for violating federal narcotic statutes vary considerably. The penalties may be harsher based on two principal factors, specifically, the type of drug involved (heroin, cocaine, cannabis, LSD, etc.) and the quantity of the drug involved. With the exception of simple possession charges which result in up to one-year imprisonment, maximum penalties for narcotic violations range from 20 years to life in prison. Certain violations carry mandatory minimum prison sentences of either five years or ten years. For example, the possession with intent to distribute one kilogram or more of a substance containing a detectable amount of heroin carries a term of imprisonment of a 10-year minimum and up to life imprisonment. The possession with intent to distribute 500 grams or more of a mixture or a substance containing a detectable amount of cocaine carries a sentence of not less than five years and not more than 40 years.
Harsher penalties will be imposed if a firearm is used in the commission of a drug offense. If a drug offense results in death or serious bodily injury to an individual who uses the drug involved, the penalties are also harsher. Questions sometimes arise as to what amount of narcotics found in the possession of a person is considered to be for personal use as opposed to the more serious offense of possession with intent to distribute. You should be aware that federal law, as a general rule, considers anything more than a dosage unit with regard to any particular drug as being sufficient from which to infer an intent to distribute. In other words, the greater the quantity possessed by the individual, the more likely it is that an individual possessed such quantity with an intent to distribute.
Colby accords its students all rights under The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. The College will not disclose information from students’ education records without the written consent of students except as permitted by the Act. Situations in which the College may disclose information from education records without consent include disclosure to school officials who have a legitimate educational interest (reviewing an education record in order to fulfill their professional responsibility) in the records.
At Colby, only those persons acting in the student’s educational interest are allowed access to student education records. These include, without limitation, personnel in the offices of the Dean of College, Registrar, Admissions, Student Financial Services, Career Services, Institutional Research, and to faculty members within the limitations of their need to know. This also includes faculty liaisons who serve as academic advisors to varsity athletic teams and their coaches. At its discretion, the College may disclose Directory Information in accordance with the provisions of the act. Please visit the U.S. Department of Education’s website for details.
Directory Information:
Directory Information consists of the following:
As a student at Colby, your Directory Information may be included in publicity about the College. In addition, press releases containing accomplishments and other Directory Information (e.g. dean’s list, graduation, other honors or activities) may be sent to local or hometown newspapers and other media unless the student has completed the request to withhold Directory Information with the Registrar’s office.
Students may withhold Directory Information by contacting the Registrar’s office within ten (10) calendar days after the first day of classes for the student’s first semester of the academic year. Requests for nondisclosure will be honored by the institution for only one academic year; therefore, authorization to withhold Directory Information must be filed annually.
Colby may disclose personally identifiable information without student consent to the following parties: (i) school officials with legitimate educational interests as described above; (ii) U.S. Comptroller General, U.S. Attorney General, U.S. Department of Education state and local officials; (iii) authorized organizations conducting educational research; (iv) accrediting agencies; (v) alleged victim of a crime; (vi) parent of a dependent student as defined by the IRS; (vii) parent of a student under age 21 regarding the violation of a law regarding alcohol or drug abuse; and (viii) to another educational institution where the student seeks to or intends to enroll, or where the student is already enrolled so long as the disclosure is for the purposes related to the student’s enrollment or transfer.
Colby may disclose information pursuant to any court order or lawfully issued subpoena if Colby makes a reasonable effort to notify the student of the order or subpoena in advance of compliance, so that the student may seek protective action (unless the court or issuing agency has prohibited such disclosure). Additionally, Colby must comply with FERPA’s recordkeeping requirements when disclosing information pursuant to a standard court order or subpoena.
Except under one of the special conditions described above, a student must provide a signed and dated written consent before Colby may disclose personally identifiable information from the student’s educational records. The written consent must: (i) specify the records that may be disclosed; (ii) state the purpose of the disclosure; and (iii) identify the party or class of parties to whom the disclosure may be made. A signed and dated written consent may include a record and signature in electronic form that: (i) identifies and authenticates a particular person as the source of the electronic consent; and (ii) indicates such person’s approval of the information contained in the electronic consent. If a student so requests, Colby must provide the student with a copy of the records disclosed.
Students may inspect their education records, challenge any content, have a hearing if the outcome of the challenge is unsatisfactory and submit explanatory statements for inclusion in their files if they feel the decisions of the hearing panel are unsatisfactory. Student education records at Colby are maintained in the offices of the Dean of College, Registrar, Student Financial Services (Garrison-Foster), and Career Services.
Students wishing to examine their education records must make written requests to the appropriate office listing the item or items of interest. Only records covered by the act will be made available within 45 days following the receipt of request. Students may have copies made of their records, except for an academic record for which a financial “hold” exists or a transcript of an original or source document which exists elsewhere. Copies will be made at the student’s expense at prevailing rates.
Educational records do not generally include the records of instructional, administrative, and educational personnel or Department of Security records, student health records, employment records, or alumni records. Physicians of the student’s choosing, however, may review health records.
Records excepted by the Act from inspection include: financial information submitted by their parent(s)/guardian(s); confidential letters and recommendations associated with admissions, employment, job placement, or honors to which they have waived their rights of inspection; or education records containing information about more than one student, in which case the College will permit access only to that part of the record which pertains to the inquiring student.
Students who believe that their education records contain information that is inaccurate or misleading may discuss the matter with the chief administrator of the office involved. If that person is in agreement with the students’ requests, the appropriate records will be amended. If not, the students will be notified within a reasonable period of time that the records will not be amended and will be informed of their right to a formal hearing.
Requests for a formal hearing must be made in writing to the Dean of College, who, within a reasonable period, will inform students of the date, place, and time of the hearing. Students may present evidence relevant to the issues raised and may be assisted or represented at the hearing by one or more persons of their choice, including attorneys, at the student’s expense. The hearing panel will be comprised of the student’s faculty adviser, a representative of the Dean of College, and the Provost and Dean of Faculty.
Decisions of the hearing panel will be based solely on the evidence presented at the hearing, will consist of written statements summarizing the evidence and stating the reasons for the decisions, and will be delivered to all parties concerned. The education records will be corrected or amended in accordance with the decisions of the hearing panels, if the decisions are in favor of the students. If the decisions are unsatisfactory to the students, the students may place with the education records statements commenting on the information in the records, or statements setting forth any reasons for disagreeing with the decisions of the hearing panels. The statements will be released whenever the records in question are disclosed.
Students who believe that the adjudication of their challenges were not in keeping with the provisions of the act may request, in writing, concerning the alleged failures of Colby to comply with the Act. Further, students who believe that their rights have been abridged may file complaints in writing to the following address: U.S. Department of Education, Family Policy Compliance Office, 400 Maryland Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20202-4605, email: [email protected].
For more information about privacy at Colby, please see the College’s Privacy Policy.
As a computer network service provider for students, staff, and faculty, Colby College complies with the provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). The DMCA is a federal law that, in essence, updates copyright law for the digital age. The Code of Ethics for Information Technology at Colby addresses the issue of copyright infringement in more detail, and students are encouraged to be familiar with it. The College takes a strong stand against actions that would infringe someone’s copyright. Perhaps the most common cause of copyright infringement in the digital context is the use of peer-to-peer file sharing services, which are often used to share copyrighted music and movies. Other common examples of actions that can lead to copyright infringement are copying and sharing computer software without paying for a copy or otherwise having proper permission to do so, and making copies of and/or sharing copyrighted texts or other written materials without permission or a license.
Any student who wishes to copy and use any copyrighted material must obtain permission from the copyright owner first, where necessary. The DMCA also makes it illegal to circumvent technological protection measures used by copyright owners to protect their works. The DMCA requires that the College takes certain steps, including removing a student’s access to copyrighted material, to avoid liability for the College when evidence of activity that may infringe a copyright is brought to its attention or it becomes aware of apparent copyright infringement. The College has adopted a policy to implement procedures required by the DMCA called “Implementation at Colby College of Procedures Required by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998,” a copy of which is available on the College’s website.
Students are encouraged to review and be familiar with these procedures. If the College is notified, or becomes aware, of a claim of copyright infringement, it will follow the procedures set out in Implementation at Colby College of Procedures Required by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, including the following procedures that relate most directly to students:
Questions about the DMCA or the College’s compliance procedures should be directed to the Administrative Vice President or Director of