Contemplate and Create

A weekly group that provides a space to engage in creativity and self-reflection through collaging and journaling. Art supplies and journal prompts are provided. Come to unwind, relax, contemplate, and create. No sign-up is required—just show up! 

Hosted by Nora Jordan from Counseling Services weekly on a day/time to be determined for the Fall semester.

For questions or more information, email Nora Jordan.

Family Rules

Have you ever described your home life as “walking on eggshells” because of the challenges of living with someone who uses alcohol or other drugs?  Did your “family rules” leave you believing you shouldn’t talk about your experience of home with anyone?  If so, this group is for you.

Family Rules, a group offered by Counseling Services, offers education and support for students who have experienced disruption in their family life as a result of the substance use of a family member or caregiver.  Each week we will support each other in learning about the patterns our shared history have created in our own thoughts and behaviors, and to find healing.

To learn more, email Katie Barlow or just drop in on Fridays at 1p, Garrison-Foster 2nd floor.

Freaks & Geeks

Mainstream hobbies not your thing?  Feeling isolated in your passions? Worried that others will reject or judge you for your pursuits?

The aim of this group is to provide general support, social connection, and fun as we embrace our freakiness and geekiness!

This group meets on Wednesdays at 4 p.m. Hosted by Carey Patrick Wertz from Counseling Services.

For questions or more information, email Carey Patrick Wertz.

Happy, Free, Confused, and Lonely

Calling all Swifties! You already know how seriously Taylor’s music hits.  No doubt you’ve experienced it stir up a lot of deep thoughts about life, relationships, the future, the past, and lots more.  In this group, we select a song each week as the inspiration for our discussion and see where that takes us.  Expect a smattering of self-reflection, sharing, support and supporting, culture critique and, to be honest, some hearty scouring of lyrics for all of the many underlying references — Matty AGAIN????

Tuesdays at 4pm in Counseling Services, Garrison-Foster 2nd floor.  Drop-ins welcome!

For questions or more information, email [email protected]

HealthRHYTHMS Empowerment Drumming Circle

HealthRHYTHMS is a fun, evidence-based, whole-person strategy for wellness. Not to be confused with a drumming lesson, it’s rather an opportunity for communication and personal expression. It’s not about the performance, and no prior musical experience is required. Reduce stress and connect with peers.  All instruments provided!

Hosted by Dr. Alfonso Ortega from Counseling Services on Tuesdays from 11:30a-1:00p. 

For questions, more information, or to schedule your own drumming event, email Dr. Alfonso Ortega.

Let’s Cook Together

Improve mood and feel vibrant with whole foods, while connecting with peers! Pre-registration required. 

Hosted by Dr. Alfonso Ortega from Counseling Services on Wednesdays in Dana 002.

For more information, email Dr. Alfonso Ortega.

Loving Your Lines

Struggling with body image?  Want to learn skills to improve it, including CBT techniques?

Join us in Garrison-Foster on Thursdays at 3p in Garrison-Foster, 2nd floor.

To sign up or for questions or for more information, email Kathryn Best.

Navigating the Feels

A weekly accountability and learning group. Do you experience anxiety, time-management challenges, social challenges, or mood fluctuations? If so, this group could be a good fit for you. Following DBT principles, topics covered include mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, distress tolerance, and emotional regulation. This group meets on Mondays 4-5:00 p.m. and is hosted by Nora Jordan in Counseling Services. For questions or more information on joining, email Nora Jordan.

Navigating the Feels: Dating, Sex & Love

A small peer group that explores various topics around dating, sex and love, and how this integral part of our lives is shaped by culture, experiences, and personal beliefs.  

Day/time for Fall semester is to be determined.

For questions or more information on joining, email Nora Jordan.

Survivor Pride

A safe and supportive space for those who have experienced gender or sexual-based violence or trauma. While guided by a therapist, group members will connect to navigate through topics and activities meant to relax, empower, and educate. Share, connect, grow.

If interested or for more information, email Dr. Julia Houska.

Trans Support Squad

Seeking a safe space to share or explore your gender identity?  Curious about social or medical transitioning?  Are you figuring out how to navigate this complicated world of dating, friendships, family, bathroom facilities, and other awkward stuff as your true self?  Just want to hang out with some other gender queer folks?

The goal of this group is to provide a weekly space for discussion and sharing experiences uniquely related to transgender and gender non-conforming people.  This group is open to everyone who identifies as transgender, non-binary, intersex, and/or gender non-conforming, regardless of social or medical transitioning choices.  You may join the group at anytime!

This group meets on Fridays from 1:00 – 2:15pm in Garrison-Foster in the Counseling Center.

If interested or for more information, email Carey Patrick Wertz

Contact Counseling

[email protected]

Garrison-Foster Building, 2nd Floor