Crime Prevention Tips and Advice

Work with Campus Security

  • Students and campus officials working together will help make our campus a safe environment.

Trust your instincts

  • If you suspect something is wrong or a situation seems dangerous, you may be right! Don’t dismiss suspicious people, cars, or situations. Report them to the Security Department immediately. Ext. 5530, emergency 5911.

Avoid dangerous situations

  • Don’t invite trouble. Use your best judgment about where you go and what you do.

Protect yourself in On-Campus and Off-Campus housing

  • Lights- leave at least one on.
  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Be sure to lock your doors.
  • Don’t open the door unless you know who it is.
  • If a repair person shows up at your door, check with physical plant at Ext. 5530 or you’re off campus landlord.

Unwanted Calls

  • Don’t give out personal information such as your name or address. If you have answering machine, use it to screen unwanted calls. Notify the Security Department of any threatening or harassing phone calls, make note of time, date, on/off campus call, or if the caller sounds familiar. If the call is on your voicemail don’t erase it, call the Security Department first.


  • Don’t open your door for people you don’t know. If you feel threatened, please contact the Security Department or if off campus the Waterville Police.
  • Don’t hold the door open for people you do not know outside residence halls. If they are supposed to be there they will be able to gain access on their own.

Neighborhood Watch

  • Watch the doors of your neighbors. If you see something suspicious, contact the Security Department.


  • Get on with a group if possible.
  • Stand away from the door while waiting alone.
  • Don’t ride the elevator with a stranger.
  • If you’re uncomfortable with a stranger, get off immediately.
  • Stand near the control panel and hit the alarm button if necessary.

If you think someone is inside your room or off-campus house

  • DON’T go in!
  • On-campus calls the Security Department from a nearby phone. Ext. 3911
  • Off-campus students notify the Waterville Police from a nearby phone. Call the emergency number 911.

Protect yourself in your community

  • Always carry your Colby I.D.
  • Walk with someone you trust.
  • Stay alert to those around you.
  • Call the Security Department for an escort.
  • If you must walk alone, walk confidently.
  • Go in a public place to ask directions.
  • Choose a route that is well lit and is near other people.
  • Avoid isolated areas, parks, and parking lots.
  • Shortcuts may save you time, but they may also expose you to danger.

Protect Valuables

  • Carry only what you need with you.
  • Carry necessary valuables close to your body.
  • Don’t put them down.Carry a wallet in a front or inside pocket, instead of a purse.
  • If you carry a purse, hold it close to your body.
  • Never leave your purse or wallet inside your vehicle, keep it with you or leave it in a secure place

If you feel like you’re being followed

  • Act suspicious.
  • Turn to look at the person.
  • This gives you time to plan your strategy.
  • It also lets the person know you won’t be taken by surprise.
  • Change directions.
  • Go into a public place or an occupied campus building.
  • Utilize emergency call boxes located on campus.
  • Call the Security Department.

Protecting your vehicle

  • Roll your windows up when vehicle is unoccupied.
  • Keep your doors locked when vehicle is unoccupied.
  • Never leave your vehicle running and unattended.
  • Keep all valuables locked in a safe place, not in your vehicle.

It’s important that you take an active role in your personal safety. If you’re involved in or witness an incident don’t assume that someone has called for help, take time to call. If you’re ever in doubt about a situation always err on the side of caution. A safe campus is everyone’s responsibility!

Missing Student Procedure

If a member of the Colby Community has reason to believe that a student is missing, they should immediately notify the Department of Security at 207-859-5530, regardless whether or not the student resides on campus. All possible efforts will be made to locate the student to determine his or her state of health and well-being through the collaboration of Security, the Dean of Students Office, Campus Life, Health Services, and other departments as necessary.

On campus, the Department of Security will secure authorization from the dean on call to make a welfare entry into the student’s room. Off campus the Department of Security will formally enlist the aid of the Waterville Police Department. Concurrently College officials will try to determine the student’s whereabouts through contact with friends, classmates, professors, and/or employers. If the student is located, his or her state of health and well-being and intention of returning to the campus will be determined. When and where appropriate, a referral will be made to the Colby Health Center or other health service provider.

If the student is not located, notification of the family and the Waterville Police will be made within 24 hours of receiving the initial report to determine if they know the whereabouts of the student. The Department of Security will cooperate, aid, and assist, the Waterville Police Department’s investigation in all ways prescribed by law.

Report a Crime

To report a crime or emergency on campus, call the Department of Security at ext. 5911

Security officers respond to all crimes and emergencies on campus and complete an incident report. Security officers contact local emergency responders as needed.

The form here is an Anonymous Crime reporting option.

Contact Campus Security

EMERGENCIES: 207-859-5911

128 Roberts Building
5530 Mayflower Hill
Waterville, Maine 04901
P: 207-859-5530
[email protected]