Learn about Response & Prevention

Use the information provided here to help yourself, help a friend, and help make Colby College a safe space for everyone.

Primary prevention is our highest goal when addressing sexual violence. This means that we offer educational programs and support services that challenge the beliefs, biases, and behaviors that perpetuate sexual violence. On campus, faculty, staff, and students are working together to create a climate in which sexual violence is impermissible and speaking out against sexual violence is the norm.

When sexual violence does occur, however, we are dedicated to responding in a timely and sensitive manner, ensuring that all involved are aware of the resources available on campus and in the larger Kennebec County area.


Sexual Violence Prevention Programs

Prevention training helps create a campus climate in which sexual respect is the norm and all students feel safe to pursue their goals.

Title IX and Interpersonal Violence

Colby college strictly prohibits all form of sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, intimate partner/dating violence, and stalking

Who to call in response to sexual violence and other
sexual misconduct or concerns

Support Services


Confidential Resource Advisors

(For 24/7 access to a Confidential Resource Advisor: 207-509-9122)

• Kate Smanik, Dean of Religious and Spiritual Life: 207-859-4272, kesmanik@colby.edu

• Kevin Murray, Director of Student Access and Disability Services:  207-859-5166, kjmurray@colby.edu

• Kay Shirley, Assistant Dean of Student Success: 207-859-4560, kshirley@colby.edu

Colby Health Services
P: 207-861-6860
[email protected]

Counseling Services

Maine’s Sexual Assault Helpline

Maine’s Domestic/Dating Abuse Helpline

Reporting Resources


Title IX Coordinator
Emily Schusterbauer
207-859-4266 | [email protected]
Eustis 210A

Deputy Title IX Coordinators

Casie Runksmeier (for athletics)
207-859-4941 |[email protected]
Athletic Center D321

Carol A. Hurney (for faculty)
207-859-4787 | [email protected]
Eustis 203A

Cora Clukey (for staff)
207-859-5511 | [email protected]
258 Schair-Swenson-Watson Alumni Center

Jesse Begin (for staff)
207-859-5507 | [email protected]
257 Schair-Swenson-Watson Alumni Center

Molly Hodgkins (for Admissions)
207-859-4816 | [email protected]
Lunder House

Waterville Police Department: 911

Emergency Contacts


Campus Security
207-859-5911 (24 hours)

Waterville Police
911 (24 hours)

Administrator on Call
207-859-5530 (24 hours)

If you have experienced sexual assault.

The immediate aftermath of a sexual assault can be painful and confusing. You may feel scared and alone, and you may not know where to turn for help. Listed below are some steps you can take immediately following a sexual assault. These steps are not required but may help you get the best possible care in an emergency.

For Immediate Help

If you need emergency attention and support directly following a sexual assault:

  • Get to a safe place.
  • Avoid washing, douching, brushing your teeth, or changing your clothes. While this may be difficult, preserving any
    evidence is important in case you decide to report the assault to the police.
  • For immediate help, contact:
    • Campus Security (207-859-5911), the Dean on Call (207-859-5530), or the Waterville Police Depart ment (911).
    • Campus Security and the Dean on Call can put you in contact with a Confidential Resource Advisor and/or Colby’s Title IX Coordinator (Emily Schusterbauer).
  • To seek immediate and confidential medical attention, call Colby Emergency Response (207-859-5911) or go the
    Hospital Emergency Room (MaineGeneral Medical Center – Thayer Campus, 149 North Street, Waterville, ME 04901)
  • To have a forensic medical exam and complete a rape kit, go to the Hospital Emergency Room (MaineGeneral Medical
    Center – Thayer Campus, 149 North Street, Waterville, ME 04901)*
  • For 24-hour anonymous support, contact the Maine Sexual Assault Crisis and Support Line: (1-800-871-7741 or 888-458-5599). This hotline is hosted by a county-wide sexual violence initiative; it is not affiliated with Colby College.
  • For additional on-campus support, call a CA and/or a trusted friend.
  • Consider reporting the assault. You may report the assault to the College or to local police. Going to the hospital to seek medical attention does not obligate you to report the crime.

*If you would like to have a forensic medical exam conducted, it is important that you go to the Hospital Emergency Room as soon as possible, ideally within 96 hours of the incident. At MaineGeneral Medical Center-Thayer Campus, a specially trained SAFE nurse will conduct your exam and a support person from The Sexual Assault Crisis and Support Center will be made available. Promptly getting a forensic medical exam is important if you think you might report your sexual assault to the police, but getting a forensic medical exam does not obligate you to file a police report.Campus Security and the Dean on Call can put you in contact with a Confidential Resource Advisor and/or Colby’s Title IX Coordinator (Emily Schusterbauer)

For Continued Care

The physical and emotional effects of sexual violence can be persistent. Whether you experienced sexual violence last week or last year, it is important that you get the necessary support. Here are some steps you might take:

  • To address any injuries or medical symptoms related to the assault, contact Colby’s Health Services (207-861-6860). They will provide confidential and professional medical care and/or make an appropriate referral to a local physician.
  • For confidential emotional support, contact a Confidential Resource Advisor or Colby’s Counseling Services (207-859-4490).
  • Consider reporting to Colby’s Title IX Coordinator (Emily Schusterbauer) and/or the Waterville Police.

For additional information about getting help for yourself or a friend, see a more complete list of campus and community resources and read about confidentiality on campus.

Contact Us

Emily Schusterbauer
[email protected]