Helpful Links to OCS Tools & Resources

NOTE: We have Advising Appointments AND Walk-In Hours.

IF BOOKING AN ADVISING APPOINTMENT (15-minutes): Please click on the link below, “Book an Advising Appointment”, and you can book an appointment through Handshake. You can designate if the advising is for OCS or for fellowships. 


We update our walk-in hour information on the footer of this site, and  have 2-3 walk-in hours per week for students to stop by , no appointment needed! Walk-in hours are suspended for summers, but students can book online or in-person via Handshake. 

The Colby Portal is your home base for all steps of the off-campus study application process! Once you log in,  use the Colby Portal to search for approved programs, submit your statement of intent (due Nov. 15), submit your Colby Application for Approval (due Feb. 20) and commit to your program once your plans are confirmed. 

Remember- the Colby Portal is your go-to place for the “Colby side” of the application process. Please also visit websites of your prospective programs for complete details about their program deadlines, application materials, and more. 

The Registrar’s webpage also contains forms pertinent to credit transfers. 

OCS does not oversee summer and JanPlan programs but can help you find inspiration and explore different options if you have questions. We work with many providers during the academic year that also run summer and January programs.  

For questions about funding summer and JanPlan experiences, please contact Scott Lamer at DavisConnects ([email protected]) but first read through this page.

It is likely that only seniors on financial aid who have not yet had a global experience (either semester abroad or short-term) will be eligible, and even then, committees will consider funding these programs on a case-by-case basis. For questions about academic credit and credit transfers for summer and Jan Plan study abroad programs, please contact the Registrar.


If you are interested in an internship abroad, please make an appointment with a DavisConnects advisor or first check out the Omprakash Partner Network. You can learn about internship registration on this pageIf you are interested in an independent study abroad, you will need to work directly with a member of the teaching faculty. 


Every Colby student who studies abroad can be a resource for future students following in your footsteps! As part of the off-campus study process, you will be asked to submit a program evaluation. 

Use the evaluations  to get perspectives  as part of your research as you explore programs before you go! You can search by country or program and download the PDF to read student comments! 

Grossman 100
(207) 859-4500
[email protected]

Office Hours:
Mon – Fri: 8am – 5pm

Walk-In Hours (will resume September 10th):  Tuesday  : 2:00pm -3:00pm                            Wednesday: 1:00pm – 2:00pm                                Thursday: 11:00am – 12:00pm