Acting swiftly and being informed can help our community remain safe in the event of emergencies. Please familiarize yourself with the tools and resources below and help educate your friends and colleagues.
Active Shooter
Call Campus Security or Police 911 or 5911
Remain calm and answer the dispatcher’s questions. The dispatcher is trained to obtain the necessary information for the emergency responders.
If safe to do so try to obtain the following information: Height, weight, sex, race, clothing, and approximate age, direction of travel, and name if known. If the suspect enters a vehicle, note the license plate number and state, make, model, color, and any outstanding characteristics.
Note: An individual must use his/her own discretion during an active shooter incident as to whether to run to safety or remain in place. Best practices for an active shooter incident are listed below.
If Outside When A Shooting Occurs
If Suspect Is Outside Your Classroom/Office
If Suspect Is In Close Proximity
Colby College has Automated External Defibrillators (AED) at many different areas on campus.
View the video below if you are interested in familiarizing yourself with how to use an AED.
Preparing for a Disaster
Suggested Personal Survival Supplies for your Vehicle:
Suggested Items for Relocation:
After a Disaster:
All Colby facilities have state-of-the-art life safety systems including, but not limited to sprinkler systems, smoke detectors, heat detectors, pull stations, and locator enunciator panels. All systems are monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in the Department of Security dispatch center. If you discover a fire:
If you are in a burning building:
Remember: DO NOT tamper with the fire alarms, smoke detectors, pull stations, or other fire safety equipment … they could save your life!
Emergency advisories warning the campus of a potential danger are posted as soon as possible after a serious incident has occurred. Names and specific locations are not posted on the advisories, but details such as description of the assailant, suspect vehicle, and last known location are all posted. These advisories will be distributed and posted in all residence halls, dining halls, and other campus locations
EMERGENCIES: 207-859-5911
128 Roberts Building
5530 Mayflower Hill
Waterville, Maine 04901
P: 207-859-5530
[email protected]